“H-how?!” My hands pulled back like he shocked me. Sitting up, he pulled me back to him, pulling me under his neck.
“You completed the bond.” His chest rumbled through me, forcing itself between my thighs. I tightened my legs, knowing he could probably smell me. All the creatures here could, and I wouldn’t doubt he was searching for it. His thingy was already poking at my side while I sat in his lap. Hugging me impossibly closer, I whimpered how tight it was.
“How did I do that? When I bit you? I swear I didn’t mean to, this thing,” I spoke like my Dragon betrayed me, rubbing my chest, “pushed forward and…”
“Shh,” he whispered in my ear. “That’s your Dragon, she’s supposed to. Follow her instincts. You will see she will do it more often as she grows inside you. When mine appeared, it was the same. It can be frightening, but what she did was alright.” Breathing a sigh of relief, my arms wrapped around him.
“You can talk now forever? It won’t go away and not just for a few hours?” His deep chuckle had me squeezing my thighs again. Heckers, this was totally embarrassing. The deepness of his voice, the vibrations I felt through my cheek were enough to get me wet enough for him to slip it right on in.
Bad Odessa.
“Yes, forever.” His forehead turned, touching mine. “I didn’t know this would happen. My voice is only for you. You listened when I could not speak, believed in my Dragon when all feared it, and most of all, you loved when I could not return the words. My voice is for you alone, my sweet fawn.”
The combination of my shaky breath had me grip the braids of his hair. This man needed to put a shirt on because his sweet words were only going to lead to something else.
Creed’s nose flared, feeling the heavy heave of his chest rising. “Odessa,” his voice reverberated.
Oh dear.
His thick, calloused hands wrapped around my waist, making me straddle his nakedness. I was equally so. With the heat of his member resting on my thigh, he pulled the sheets away from my chest. Why I had become so shy just because he could speak, I wasn’t sure. Maybe it was because he could express his opinion now. The night we first made love, I felt the same. Arms across his chest, his eyes stayed on me, pulling my arms down.
“Don’t hide, my sweet fawn.” Creed leaned forward, pecking at my lips gently. Automatically I went to squeeze my thighs again, but it only squeezed the outside of his. No friction, no hiding. I was bared for it all.
Odessa’s scent filtrated throughout the cave. My Dragon was not aloof, he was not sated, and my rut was coming back at full force. Her bite held me away from her long enough for my change and our bond to solidify. Now that it was complete, my Dragon wanted more of her.
My fawn had always been shy. We both have, entering this bond with no knowledge. This time, with my voice, I felt more confident. I could ask her what she likes, what she wants to make her time with me more pleasurable. That in itself gave me more power than any muscle or magic could ever do.
Both of my hands felt up the sides of her outer thighs, enjoying the passionate fire on my fingertips. My claws gently scraped the skin while tiny bumps rolled down her arms and across her teats. “Creed,” she whispered. If that was the only word she could give me while we loved each other’s bodies, I would be a happy Dragon.
Her teats pearled, my one thumb thrumming it back and forth as it hardened. “Do you like it?” I let out a breath. “When I touch your teats?” Odessa’s eyes widened.
“M-my what?” Her heart quickened.
“Your teats,” I said again. She wasn’t squeezing her thighs along mine. They had relaxed. What had I done to cause this negative reaction? Does she not call them that? I had never heard her say the word, but that was the only one I had ever called a female’s upper body.
“Oh.” She covered them again. I automatically pulled them away.
“D-do you not call them this?” My hand cupped one, barely able to fill my hand. Her body sighed again, hands now resting on my chest.
“Um, I’ve just never heard them called that.” Her eyes looked everywhere but my own, Pulling her closer, her flower next to my shaft, she gasped.
“What do you call them?” My lips kissed her neck, trying to relax her, but it was I that needed her touch. She must not like what I have called them and was repulsed by me. My shoulders slumped. So much for feeling powerful with her body.
“Oh, um, there are several things you could name them.” Arms wrapping around my neck, she calmed more at our touch. “Some call them breasts.” Odessa’s face heated, now burying her head in her hands. Pulling her hands away, I kissed her lips.
“Just tell me what you want me to call them.” Her eyes softened.
“I do like what you called them.” She blushed. “I just wasn’t expecting it.” My Dragon sighed, relieved I had not repulsed her. “Some people call them breasts, boobs and this part here.” She pointed to the hardened pebble. “Tits or nipples,” she spat. “I still like yours way better. Words coming from your mouth just sound better.” She smiled shyly.
My nose ran up the side of her cheek, grasping her teats again. “Then do you like it when I touch them?”
“Y-yes.” Her fingers dug into my shoulders.
“And when I lick them?” Pushing her down into the clothing of the nest, my tongue grazed her nipple. She shuttered, throwing her fingers through my braids. “Y-yes.” Her ambrosia was leaking between her thighs. My Dragon growled at her reaction. It wasn’t just my body that could turn her into my begging mate, but my voice as well.
What a wonderful instrument a voice could be.