“Black magic really makes your blood rancid.” I spat on the floor again.
“You find that Black Dragon, Adam, or maybe I will take something precious of yours that currently seems to be missing. We can make a game of it even.” Letting go, I backed away from him, grabbing the brandy from his expensive shelf of alcohol. “If I find your mate before you find mine, then I’ll kill her.”
“NO!” Adam growled. “I’ll take you to his cave!” Taking a swig of the glass, I threw it on the desk, shattering it to pieces.
“Oh, now you want to be cooperative! Have you ever had your Dragons look for my beloved, or were you just flapping your wings like the flying weasel you are?” Using my speed, I threw a punch to his face, his nose instantly cracking, spouting out blood. Adam wasn’t even taking his doses of black magic correctly. If he was, he would have been able to block that immediately.
“You have tried my patience. Take me to the cave.” I demanded.
Adam took me out of the backside of his tent, taking the long way to Creed’s home. I had a cloaking spell, hiding my scent but still needing to keep out of sight. There was no wind this night. The darkness stilled around us while the blue moon slept. On nights like these, the animals hid in their nests, the pixies stayed away, and even the water nymphs remained in the darkness of their ponds.
Darkness and evil are said to sneak through these darkened nights. The old tales make the demon inside me cackle with laughter. I wouldn’t consider myself evil, but others may. Everyone thinks they are on the winning side. Right now, Creed was the darkness that I was going to destroy. Snuffing him out in front of my beloved, showing her I would be her protector. I would win her back, and show that I would be her rescuer. She will run into my arms, begging me to take her home.
I’ll explain everything, the horrible mistakes I made in the beginning. The servants had been punished for their misdeeds. “She’ll forgive me,” I muttered to myself. Adam looked behind him. I snarled, ready to rip him to shreds. I'd have killed him long ago if the rogue Witches didn’t need the Dragon’s blood so badly.
We walked up to the enormous mouth of the cave; with large easels for drying hide, tables for sawing, cutting, and other various materials laid around. Massive stacks of logs sat just inside. Following inside, the smell of Dragon, fire, and soot came into my nose. “This is it,” Adam growled.
It was a simple caved dwelling, perfect for an exiled Dragon. It looked like shit. No jewels, no decoration, just a simple eating area, a fire on the other side of the cave, and a gigantic bed of furs. My nose caught a whiff of a familiar smell, my throat rumbled until I hissed out.
Stomping to the bed, I held up a pristine white fur; sniffing, it smelled strongly of citrus. It was Odessa’s smell, only this time it intertwined with another. Dragon.
I yelled out, ripping the fur in half. He had taken my beloved’s innocence, tainted her with his sickening, soiled smell. Pulling the furs, I found three dried drops of blood stained the furs. “NO!” I ripped all the furs, believing that it would bring back Odessa, bring back the soft innocence of her body.
“He TOOK HER!” I turned, elbowing Adam in the face. “He was on your land, your territory, and you did not know!?” I punched him again, slicing down his neck. Adam countered, standing and pulling out his claws, slashing my chest.
“Worthless Dragon!” I hissed, my fangs lengthening, going for his neck. Both of our arms landed on each other’s shoulders, pushing and pulling until we both bled. My throat growled out again, pushing down on his shoulders. He leaped up, pushing me back until I fell on the floor.
“Fucking stop if you ever want another drop of Dragon’s blood again!” Adam threatened. His breathing ragged, wounds healing, he stepped forward. “I’ll find him. He is my half-brother.” His tongue lengthened, smelling the air. “After all, we do share some blood.”
Standing up, pulling my jacket back over my shoulders, I bumped into his side as I left. “I stand by my word. If I find your mate before you find mine, I’ll kill her. Time is not on your side.”
Leaving Adam dumbfounded, I stomped out of the cave. Two Witches and four Vampires stood waiting. “Did you hear that?” They all nodded, the Witches walking into the cave. The Witches had been knocking out Adam for months when he went hunting. They would have him force shift with some magic shit and take blood while his Dragon slept. Knock-out magic never worked on Dragons, not until we used actual Shifter-Dragon blood. Little did Adam know, his Alpha Dragon blood was worth far more than those old Dragons with no high bloodline. We just needed the boost from their blood to knock Adam out more effectively.
We had stored enough blood to dramatically win the war that was coming. The Cerulean Moon and the Golden Light Kingdoms may have the numbers, but we had the magic. Magic so strong it would overthrow two kingdoms if we played our cards right.
Only eighty magical beings and enhanced Vampires almost won a battle two months ago against two hundred plus Light Kingdom soldiers, that is until that blasted Ancient Dragon bastard came in to screw it all up.
He would be dealt with.
“You,” I pointed to the Vampires left. “Scout out, find Odessa. Kill anyone who gets in your way. Bring her back, and you will be handsomely rewarded.” They smiled, darting off into the thicket.
Chapter Forty-Seven
Wehadonlybeensleeping a few hours. The suns were still shining through the narrow walls of the cave, giving more of that purple, orange glow. It was setting, not morning, like the pink tint of colors that dawn brings.
My Dragon pushed at my chest, forcing me upward. It was an anxious feeling in my stomach. Groaning, I sat up from Creed’s massive chest. His muscles were twitching, tightening, then falling with his shaky breaths. My cheek still feeling the heat of his body, my eyes glanced to his face. His face was so perfect to me, scars and all. I couldn’t fathom how anyone else would think any different, but this time when I roamed his features, his scars were gone.
Darting up from his body, one hand slapped across my mouth, the other tracing the deep scar that should have been going through his eye down to his throat. The tough skin, marred with red and purple, was now gone. His chest was completely clean, not a speck of once ripped skin.
His lip no longer held the prominent curl on the one side of his face, his entire face was relaxed except for the furrowed brows. The crease between them relaxed and twitched again, shaking his head. His hands reached for me, pulling me closer to his body. My head crashed on the concrete wall I dared call his chest. “Creed!’ I squeaked. His arms stiffened around me, taking large breaths at the top of my head.
“Are you okay?” I pushed away from him so I could check his face. It wasn’t a dream; his face was still scar-free. “Your face,” I whimpered. Hands cradling his scruffy cheeks, his eyes softened while his own hands cupped my face. Like I was something to behold. “It’s healed. Your scars are gone! How can this…” Creed gave the brightest smile I had ever seen.
Fangs and all his bright teeth gleamed in the low candlelight. “You can smile!” I almost sobbed.
“I can also speak.” His voice dove into the depths of my soul, swimming and cradling my beating heart. The love of my life was speaking to me, and I don’t recall him drinking a magical elixir to give me one night with his voice.