"Did the Elders heal you quickly?" Adam's abdomen was completely healed, with no scarring, and not the slightest touch made him wince.
"They did, but it was not that bad." He shook his head, pouring himself a drink on the side table. "I'm sorry to send you off. I didn't want you to have to see my wounds and worry you."
"But I worried," I half lied. Anytime Adam was hurt, he refused my help to clean him, dress him and help with wounds that could take days to heal. He opted to go to the Elders, who have perfected a special potion for Dragons. I've asked many times to train me to be of some help during battles, but I was always denied.
"Part of me is glad you did so." Adam's forehead met mine, kissing it gently. He was so sweet to me, cradling me like a fledgling at night. His love was undeniable towards me, and for a long time, I felt the same. Now my passion has weakened, seeing him oppress his half-brother. The lies he has told the tribe so easily only make me believe he could lie to me just the same.
I wiped my dress off the invisible dirt and went to fluff the pillows so he could rest, beckoning him to come to sit with me. Maybe I was overreacting? Perhaps there was more to the story? Adam sat down, his hand running over my stomach.
"Sorry I have been gone so long. Since Osirus and Melina's ceremony, I have paid little attention to you these past few weeks. The south is under turmoil and dealing with Vampires, and rogue Witches had me preoccupied." Adam's nose trailed down my neck, his tongue licking my lightly colored mark. "How is the fledgling?"
My body stiffened. Adam truly has been gone, which may be why my Dragon had been so cold towards him.
"What's wrong? Your Dragon will not address mine?" Voice laced with concern, his eyes softened, pulling my chin towards his face.
"I'm sorry." Warm tears filled my eyes. My heart sunk. One job as a co-Alpha was to help produce an heir, and this had been my third time miscarrying a baby. Adam's hand balled into a fist, hitting his knee.
"Gods, Amora, why didn't you tell me?" His voice cracked. "I could have been there for you, comforted you." My face turned; my Dragon was completely unreceptive. Could my Dragon be rejecting his seed?
"You were gone when I bled. I didn't want to send word over it." Adam's throat bobbed. Something I found so attractive, now I don't know anymore.
"It's alright." He cleared his throat. "We can try again, and I will talk to the Elders. Maybe the potion and salve they make to heal me could help." I nodded my head, threading my fingers through his.
"Maybe so." I gave a sad smile.
"I wish to stay with you, my love, but I must go meet with Elder Naho. I must inform him and the rest to take word to both Golden Light and Cerulean Moon Kingdoms of Creed's betrayal. A powerful Dragon like him will need the most warriors to take him down." Adam rubbed my belly again, kissing it gently. "We will figure this out, don't you worry. I love you, Amora. Always know that."
"I love you too," I whispered. Adam walked to the opening of the tent. He gave me one more smile. "Wait, Adam?" He hummed, turning his pointed chin towards me. He could make me weak in the knees, our bond, and my body pulled for him so hard, but why was my heart so tricky?
"Are you sure this is the only way? It just doesn't seem like Creed." This was his last chance. He had to stop this. All this warning, all this pleading with him, and now I was on my knees begging him to give me a sign.Be the Dragon I want you to be, spill the truth to me, and I would make my heart love you willfully.
"There is no other way, my love. Creed has made his nest, so he must lie in it." Adam left the tent, taking his decision with him.
Now I realized I must choose sides and it would not be the one with my mate.
Changing clothes, I put on simple leathers and a breast tunic. I threw a small bag of clothing and essentials over my shoulder and put the giant emerald jewel on the nightstand. It was my favorite, the one I was given the following day of our mating. It would only be a reminder of the lies my life had been for over thirty years.
Stepping out of the tent, many Dragons walked along the paths of their jobs. Many washed clothes in the steaming pond, and others cooked over the open bonfire. I had been fooled for so many years, and many Dragons here are the same. My Dragon perked up within my chest, pulling me toward the archives.
The archives were held for Alphas and the Elders only. I've had no reason to enter, and I've never been told not to. Pulling the bag over my back more comfortably, I walked to the archives as if I owned the place. Not looking suspicious was more complicated than it looked, now knowing that I was going to betray not only that of my Alpha, my mate, but my tribe.
Many Dragons bowed to me as I walked by, doing the same, keeping my usual smile on my face. I walked to the back door.. This building differed significantly from what we lived in. It was made of entire trees of logs, crushed rock, and wood. It has stood for longer than I remember and could have been many centuries before that. Pushing the back door, a hand catches my wrist. Gasping, another hand covers my mouth.
"You look like a fledgling going in for the sponge cake." The chuckle made me sigh. Turning around and smacking Nicholas on the shoulder, he pretended to be hurt.
"Shh, you can't do that!" I hissed. Nicholas' brows furrowed, watching me go into the archives.
"You sneaking Dragon, what are you doing? You never go in here." Nicholas closed the door behind me with a slam.
"Will you be quiet? For a swift, quiet flyer, you sure are loud on the ground." My Dragon hissed, but it was playful. Rubbing my chest, I walked down the long table, glancing at the papers in front of each chair.
"What are you doing?" I sighed, gently placing my hand on the table.
"Nicholas, you have to make a choice. You may break your oath, and I would never think less of you." Nicholas' eyes filled with hurt, but he continued to listen. That's what was so wonderful about him; he listened to every word I said and stuck his opinion in when needed. "Because if you decide to stay, you will betray Alpha Adam along with the tribe."
Nicholas' eyes hardened. "I won't break my oath," he said firmly. "You are my Alpha, and you are the one I would follow." My hidden smile came forward, lunging at him, burying my head in his chest. He calmed my Dragon more than Adam ever had. Nicholas' hand brushed my hair, his mouth touching my hair. I swear it was a kiss that made my heart flutter delightfully fast.
Clearing my throat, I pushed him away. "Thank you. I appreciate your loyalty."