HowstubborncouldthisDragon be? My hands are holding his face, making him stare into my eyes like he could read the soul within me. Does he think so lowly of himself that I deserve another? The thought angers me, the thought alone that some goddess up in heaven thinks that this man is unworthy for the sake of being a bastard child. My eyes soften, stroking his cheek and possibly a tear. One wouldn’t know if it was a water droplet from the waterfall’s constant roar or if it came from his eyes.
“Listen to your Dragon, Creed. I only want you. You are the only one that would make me happy,” I pleaded. I pleaded like a little girl wanting the lollipop from the candy store. How did I resort to this? Also begging for a man was not like me in the slightest. I promised myself I would never succumb to such a thing, especially with stories I had written, but this was different. Different land, culture, men and women, creatures of unexpected proportions staring at me in the face.
I wanted him, and no one would tell me differently.
Creed continued to gawk at me, unable to move his head from my tiny hands. “I love you. Can you not hear me, you big lizard?” I said frustratedly. I needed a sign, a nod of the head, a squeeze of my waist. There was something I needed. No word would leave his lips because I dare not let him suffer.
Whatever god or goddess of this realm heard my terrible plea. His mouth pushed to mine, causing a soulful dance of our tongues. The growl in his chest reverberated against my body. He moved, pushing me to the coldest rock he could find, my body welcoming the heat of his body.
“I love you.” The deepened Dragon voice pushed through his lips. Creed’s face was stoic, unmoving, as he tried to hold in the wince from his throat. My arms wrapped around his neck, I kissed him again, only for him to push my top down, feeling my breasts.
This was what I wanted.
His hand massaged me, my head rolling back as he kissed each one tenderly until the vibrations in his chest became impossibly loud. Growing hissing noises I had never heard from Creed spilled from his body. Soft hands became rough, his tail encircling my leg under the water.
I’ve always been bold, asking him, telling him to touch me. This time I wanted him to lead, to take me right here and now. It didn’t matter that we were outside, under a waterfall. For the first time, it would be memorable. My teeth bit down into my lips, Creed’s eyes meeting mine only to find the fire behind them. Could his Dragon control his human body? Scales appeared on his chest, my fingers tracing the more intense fire-like touches.
His brows furrowed, softening enough to ask me a question. That’s why Creed was so different from other men I wrote about. Creed asked. He pleaded for permission.
“Make love to me,” I whispered into his mouth. I knew it would hurt. He was enormous in his girth. I wasn’t sure of the exact dimensions, but I don’t think normal human men could have it so thick. My heartbeat erratically between my thighs, wanting us to finally become one with each other. We were mates, and that’s all there was to it. No one could take that away from us.
The waterfall continued to pound into the water to my right, water splashing on his beautiful face. As Creed pulled down the bottoms to my swimming suit, his claws gently scratching my inner thigh, we heard yelling from the other side of the spring.
“Damn girl out in the open!?” Daine’s unfortunate timing had Creed in a frenzy. Creed’s fire eyes glowed a bright red, scales now growing over his body. Pulling me to his chest, he turned around, teeth morphing into their fang-like structure and tongue slithering from his lips. As he let out a gigantic roar, I gripped him tighter, my bare back now facing not only Daine but several others.
Lura pushed Daine to the ground, mumbling something incoherent as three warrior Elves stood in a defensive mode with spears pointing right at us. Annabelle, pushing back the warriors, making them lower their weapons, had Creed stopped his transformation.
“Tell him it’s all right!” Annabelle’s motherly tone spoke. I could barely hear her voice through the roaring waterfall, but the message was clear.
“Creed, it’s all right.” His breathing was ragged, and I put my hand to his face to look at me. “It’s okay. It’s just our friends. Remember, we need to show them you are a gentle giant?” My hopeful eyes had Creed soften, glancing back from the group and at me. The fire in his eyes dimmed, his scales retracted, and his body relaxed.
“Damn, that was so hot. Think Tangle would get some back tattoos?”
Lura shook her head, smacking him again. “You have the worst timing, you know that? You could have gotten yourself killed!”
“Nah, Odessa promised me he wouldn’t hurt me. I trust her.” Daine threw me a wink. The front of my chest was still plastered to Creed’s torso.
“We are sorry for the—" Annabelle cleared her throat, “interruption. But we need you both back at the meadow. Princess Clara and her mate are here wanting to visit with you.” Creed and I looked at each other. Why would some princess want to visit with us?
“If you could,” I spoke loudly, twirling my finger so they would turn around. Daine stood there, still waiting for us to come out of the water, not twisting his body as I had asked.
“Oh, I’m not looking at you, honey.” Daine eyed Creed up and down. “I just wanted to see what he was packin’.” Lura, laughing again, pulled Daine away, leading him down the path back to the meadow.
Everyone else waited for us to dress; well, for me to dress. Creed refused to put on his pants but put on his cloth. His muscles continued to flex in tension until I grabbed his upper arm and walked with him.
If Creed could feel anxiety within the others, then surely something was about to happen. Why would they come all the way here? Was this princess that special and wanting to meet us, of all people? A weak little human and her Dragon? A Dragon they must not know much about if they let people gossip and treat him so badly. Those thoughts alone stirred me up, only to have Creed rub my knuckles with this thumb.
“So, who is this princess?” I asked no one in particular. Annabelle cleared her throat. “She was a lost princess who recently returned to Bergarian from the Earth realm. She’s a Werewolf and a powerful one at that. Princess Clara is very compassionate about learning about different cultures and species. I’m sure that is all that it is.” She waved her hand. The uneasiness in her voice continued to shake me as we approached the meadow.
“A…a Werewolf?” I spoke to myself. I shouldn’t be surprised. Everything around here was coming straight out of a Fairytale book, anyway.
As we entered the clearing, a large group of Elves stood around in a circle. The circle scattered, watching Creed and I come up the path. All eyes were on us, and I wanted to hide behind Creed, but I was his voice and speaking for both of us. Even though I hated the attention, I’d have to be strong to get through this.
Coming forward, a large man with an enormous number of tattoos stood over a smaller woman in a pale pink dress filled with flowers, closely resembling the one I was wearing. The tall, tattooed man looked at Creed, sizing him up, but Creed took no notice. His face remained expressionless, as mine probably resembled that of a constipated ghost.
“This is her?” The girl pranced up towards me, remaining a respectable distance. “I’m Clara. It’s nice to meet you!” Her pearly white skin glistened against the forest backdrop.
“I’m Odessa, and this is Creed,” I spoke, hoping only she would hear. The tattooed man, probably a Werewolf, walked up behind her. He was terrifying. Earrings, piercings, and a crazy slicked back hair made me shake. Creed pulled me to his side, bracing his arm around me.