Kids were swinging on branches, and branches moved and held the children for them to climb. “The trees are alive?” I whispered to Diane. He only snorted.
“Nature is alive. It just takes a skill to talk to them, understand them, and know their importance to the environment. Elves have always been close to nature. We have that sixth sense you humans talk about so much.” My eyes widened in amazement. Children swung from vine to vine, jumping from high treetops to land on enormous flowers as springboards.
“Welcome back!” A blonde hair, green eye beauty walked up to us. Jhaan grinned, hugging her. “Good to see you, sister Lura.” Lura’s eyes glanced at me, looking me up and down.
“The poor thing. Where did you find her? Are you all right?” The softness in her eyes was welcome as she rushed to me, pulling on the cloak now covered in mud. Even though it was dirty, I didn’t want to let go of what little of Creed I had left. “Oh, honey, let’s get you cleaned up.” Her nose inhaled, dropping the cloak.
Ah, right, the smell.
“You... smell like a Dragon.” Lura looked at Jhaan and scowled. “What have you done? Did you take a Dragon’s mate?” she hissed. “There are repercussions for that!” Jhaan shook his head, held up his hands to explain.
“Not just any Dragon, she smells of the Black Dragon.” A collective gasp came from many that had gathered to gawk at the human now invading their space. My head automatically ducts behind Daine, who was now my new ‘friend-shield.’
“I think she’s been brainwashed. She says she cares for him because he rescued her. I want her to see the resident witch.” Lura slapped her brother’s arm. “If she says she is with him, you should have left her be. If she is happy.” Lura looked at me. “Honestly, are you happy staying with the Black Dragon?”
“Creed, and yes, I am. He is none of those things Jhaan has said about him. He’s kind, caring, and he saved me.” Several male Elves whispered to each other, and one walked away. Holding my cloak tighter, her hand came to mine, pulling me away from Daine. “Let’s get you cleaned up, and I know what you say, but it would make us all feel better if you saw our witch.”
Shaking my head, I tugged away. “No, no witches. I don’t trust them.” They all looked bewildered that would say such a thing, but my mother sold me to a bunch of Vampires. What if that Witch did the same?
“Why not?” Daine spoke up. “She’s my mother. She’s half Witch, half-Elf, and mated to my father, who has lived in this territory for years. My mother is the most trustworthy half Witch to the tribe.” I bit my lip. I didn’t want to go to her. I just wanted to find Creed and go back to the cave.
“Please, she won’t do anything to hurt you,” Lura spoke kindly.
“Neither does Creed. I’m fine.” My voice was unbearably small.
“She has no choice,” a booming tone came as a taller Elf sauntered to us. He wore a large, beaded necklace, and a dried crown of vines sat on his head. “She will see Daine’s mother and ensure she isn’t bewitched. If she isn’t, then we will discuss it from there.”
“That’s Zaos, the Elven Territory leader,” Daine whispered. “I’ll go with you if it makes you comfortable.” I heaved a breath, pulling at my fingers. Daine had me loop my arm around his arm while the small crowd that gathered followed me to a distant tree.
“Once Glinda accesses the situation, have her cleaned. This is for your safety, Odessa.” My eyes glanced up to the overly tall Elf, only looking down again. “All humans are to be treated with respect, by order of the Queen of the Cerulean Moon Kingdom. Then we need to understand how you came to be here.” Zaos turned to the small crowd gathered. “Warriors, be prepared for a Dragon visitor. I want us prepared if it truly is the Black Dragon.” Murmurs spread as vines descended with a platform for Daine and me to stand on.
Pulling us upwards, the vines went more slowly than they did with the children. As we slowly ascended into the tall trees, I held on to the vine for dear life. Daine chuckled at how scared I was, but heckers, it was too dang high.
“Zaos means well,” Daine began. “He was a full-blooded Fae until he met his mate, Annabelle, who is an Elf. Once species are mated and bonded, their blood mixes, giving each other some of the same genetics of species. So, they are considered half and half. That’s why Zaos is so much taller than the rest of us. It’s great for the Sirens, so they can walk on land for indefinite periods.” Daine spoke like I would understand any of this. My mouth hung open, clutching the vine for dear life.
“Ahh, I will explain it in more later.” His cheeks flushed pink. What the heck does bonding, mating, and blood mixing have anything to do with why Elf is so tall? I squeaked, feeling the platform coming to a halt.
With much coaxing, I was led off and stepped on the porch of a beautiful cottage in the trees. “Come in!” a sing-song voice poured out of the open windows. Daine escorted me inside, his hand clutching my hand and patting it like you would a child. A rush of ease went through me while being led to the seat at the kitchen table.
“So, they think you are crazy, huh? For being so love-struck about the Black Dragon and his willingness to help you?”
“How did you?”
“Everyone is so loud, I heard it through the open window.” She chuckled. Pouring three cups full of I’m assuming tea, she laid it in front of us. The smell reminded me of mint and chocolate. “Have a taste of this, it will calm your nerves. I feel your soul shaking inside.” My eyes glanced at Daine, who already started drinking. We had all been given the same drink. It couldn’t possibly be poisoned. At least I hoped.
I took a sip. The thick tea slowly slid down my throat as I drank it all. I was so cold the heat of the cup warmed my body instantly. I finished the cup entirely, setting it neatly on the ceramic leaf saucer. “Excellent.” She picked up my cup and looked inside. Dashing a white powder on the cup's rim, it stuck where my lips stayed. A beautiful shade of pink lips graced the cup.
“Nope, she isn’t bewitched by magic,” Glinda spoke. Daine snapped his fingers and pointed at her.
“I knew it. She spoke passionately about him.” His eyes fluttered to me. “What’s it like?” His hands went under his chin, looking at me longingly.
“W-what is what like?” I picked at the dolly that held my teacup.
“To be in love?” Daine sighed dramatically.
Chapter Twenty-Seven