Page 30 of The Exiled Dragon

Landing on just the outskirts of the tribe, I shifted back into my human form. Several Dragons sitting in the tree line saw me approaching and dared not question my appearance. Many have left me alone. If I came to the tribe more often, I believe they would let me. Adam may have tarnished my reputation, but some had noticed my attitude before our parents had died that I wanted to be one with them. Not anymore.

They only showed hostility or snubs of disapproving gazes when their Alpha was around, trying to gain his favor. Adam was fierce. He was born of a soul mate bond, something that was absolutely sacred. Me? I’m still the product of an unwanted pairing. The lowest of the low.

I pulled on my leathers, my vest, and my cloak. I didn’t need the younger fledglings seeing my scars, asking questions, only to hear the whispers coming back to my ears. My attitude showed that I didn’t care, but in reality, I cared a lot. The tattoos could only cover so much. The one on my neck, the ink did not take as well, leaving nothing but blurry pictures. No one could even see what the picture was supposed to be.

It was my mother’s Dragon. She was ivory, a rare Dragon that stood out above the rest. She had the grace of a swan in a reptilian body. I could practically see her standing by the enormous bonfire that burned brightly every evening. Her long dresses danced in the dirt as her mate would twirl her around the fire, listening to the drums of our ancient people. So many children would jump and find a dance partner until everyone in the crowd participated. I sat alone on the log, watching everyone else until I would leave for my quarters. I longed to be a part of the tribe, but even as a child, I was shunned away.

Adam only made it worse once my mother was no longer there to save me.

“Meeting in the Great Hall,” one Dragon shouted from afar. Dragons, only in their loin cloths gathered. I ruffed, holding my old cloak, covering my head as I went to the hall. It was an extensive structure, able to hold most of the tribe, with a stage at the far end and many wooden benches lined in rows. Since I was still my mother’s child, I had to approach the first row closest to Adam while the elders sat on the opposing side.

Many looked at me disapprovingly from my peripheral, but I kept my eyes dead straight at the stage floor. They would not deter me. I was here for a meeting and leaving promptly after, back to my fawn. My Dragon felt the waves of ease flow through me, thinking of her. My anger ceased.

“Psst,” I heard faintly. Moving my eyes to the sound so no one would notice my movements, I saw Amora on the far left of the stage. “Meet me afterward,” she mouthed, gesturing with her thumb behind the stage. Blinking several times, she understood and took her seat on stage where she would be behind Adam.

The room grew quiet, feeling the Alpha aura imposing into the room. Adam was one for theatrics, wanting to radiate his power through the tribe. No one dared to get on his bad side. My aura could outmatch his any day, but I promised Mother to have a good relationship with my half-brother.

“Greetings,” he boomed, holding out his arms. His body sauntered to the desk on the stage. Many bowed their heads, crossing both arms across their chest as a sign of respect. I denied this gesture. There was a line in the sand that I dared not cross, and respecting my brother after what he had done to me was too far.

Adam scowled, looking in my direction. My eyes barely looked over the hood of my cloak. Adam snickered; his mouth turned upwards to smirk. “I have gathered you all here today,” he began, “because some new information has been brought to me concerning Vermillion.” The room muttered to the other Dragons around them. There was an uprising in the Vermillion Kingdom. Every supernatural in Bergarian knew that. The question is, what new information was brought to Adam? He liked to stay away from issues of other nations.

“About a week ago, King Osirus sent in an army, destroying the first wave of rogues. These were mostly Witches and Warlocks, but there were many Vampires present. Duke Mortus sent his own men into the field to retrieve the rogue Vampires. However, during the scuffle, he lost something precious to him. His dark Fairies have asked us to help. In return, he will make sure that the Witches and Warlocks stay away from our tribe, putting us under his protection.”

Many voices rose, arguing that dealing with a Vampire was insanity. It would only invite the Vampires onto our territory, and they could attack at any given moment. The whispers turned to yelling until Adam banged on the desk, ceasing the increasing volume.

“Enough,” he growled. “Mortus is looking for his mate, or beloved, as they call them down there…” Adam continued to stare into the crowd. “I am not saying we trust him. I’m just telling you, if you see any human girl running around the mountain, it will be reported to me. We will swiftly turn her in and wash our hands of it. It will keep him out of our scales and not cause him to search under every tree and shrub on the mountain. I have promised to keep an eye out and if we see her, we will let him know. The dark Fairies have returned to Vermillion to inform him of the arrangements. He is, however, under no circumstances to have any Vampire or Witch grace this land.”

The elders nodded their heads in agreement. “It is for the best,” Elder Naho spoke. “If she is his mate, she should be returned.” My fist tightened. They had no idea. No idea what she was to him for the longest time. He is choosing her. It isn’t a true soul mate; I know of this. She would have felt something for him, right? All mates are supposed to feel something at least. She ran.

Amora’s once stoic face turned to concern. “Adam.” She gently stood up, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Why would his beloved run away from him? It doesn’t…” Adam interrupted.

“She’s human. Of course, she would be frightened. She may not have known,” Adam dismissed her. “Trust me, my love, it is for the best. We don’t need Vampires running around our territory, let alone in it,” he whispered. Amora shook her head.

“Something is wrong about it; I feel it.” Her hands grabbed his. “We should report this to Cerulean Moon and Golden Light Kingdoms.” Adam sighed, rubbing his forehead.

“And what of it? They will get involved and start a spat with them again. Then we would have to send our own into battle. I don’t like our Dragons fighting for someone else.”

“We have treaties with both kingdoms!” she silently hissed. The crowd was now intently listening, watching the lover’s quarrel. I wanted to laugh but kept it silent. Amora wasn’t one to sit around and watch. She was that way when we were children. Adam tried to be the big tough Alpha, but he would melt to her. To some things anyway.

“All right, calm down.” The back of his hand caressed her face. “We will speak more about this in private.” Adam turned to the crowd, who was now silent. “If anyone finds the human girl, report to me. We will speak with her and find out what she wants to do and why she ran. Just to question, not return her.” Adam smiled back at Amora, now looking pleased.

“Thank you,” she whispered, kissing his lips. Adam hummed, waving his hand for dismissal of the meeting.

“Except for you, half-brother,” he sternly spoke in my general direction.

Chapter Twenty-One


Therestofthecrowd had dispersed. Adam glared down at me with such blackness in his eyes. It made me wonder how he was ever a product of our mother. Standing up, I watched his fleeting back going to the back of the stage and open the leather tarp covering the entry. Amora’s steps graced toward me, only to have Adam hold her wrist.

“I need to speak with my… half-brother,” he spat. “Meet me at home, and I have a surprise for you.” Adam’s words held such love, Amora could only glance between the two of us, biting her lip, hesitating what to do.

“Adam, don’t be mean to Creed. We all grew up together. Please let me stay. It has been so long since he has visited.” Adam’s face contorted in anger and disgust.

“Have you not forgotten why he has those scars? He tried to challenge me for Alpha in our early teen years. It was by the luck of the gods that they allowed me to use claws to save myself.” Adam’s hand loosened on Amora, her brows furrowed and her lips in a thin line.

“It’s amazing how much you can tell a lie over and over and start to believe it to be true,” she hissed at him. “You are not upholding Kaldran’s standards as Alpha.” We both winced at the name. His father, my stepfather, was a righteous man. He could have abandoned me, and forced my mother to discard me, but he let me live among the family. Even if it hurt that I was not his biological son and took some of their precious time together in the early part of their relationship, he gave grace. That alone, I would be thankful for.