Page 104 of The Exiled Dragon

Setting Odessa softly to her feet, her arms wrapped around my neck. “Slow dance with me, Prince Charming?” My massive hands wrapped around her minuscule waist; the room was now dark with other calm bodies. Faes began kissing, touching, and holding each other while Odessa and I stared into each other’s eyes.

My fawn had given me the greatest gift, using the power of Dragons to bring my mother back from the in-between. Stray hairs covered her face, moving the strands away. Her hand caught mine. She brought my palm to her lips, kissing it affectionately.

“You know why I love your hands so much?” I shook my head, now feeling her hand on my cheek. “Because they were the first thing I felt when you pulled me from that tree. I felt so safe with you and didn’t even know who or what you were. Your hands cradled me like a fragile piece of glass and protected me. You cleaned me, held me, clothed me. You did so much work with those hands.” Her finger traced where my scar used to be.

“If you never got your voice back, I’d still be happy with you, still love you as fiercely as the day I realized it because actions speak louder than words.” My lips smashed into hers, wrapping her legs around my waist. She giggled, playing with my braids like she always does.

“Thank you,” I breathed into her mouth. “You didn’t just give me your heart, but my family too. How am I supposed to repay you for that?” Odessa’s thumb wiped away the sweat from my brow.

“Since when are we supposed to keep score?” Holding her close, my nose went into her neck as I slowed danced for the both of us. Her little yawn escaped her lips. As much magic as she has used this day, I’m surprised she had not fallen asleep sooner.

“Sleep, my little fawn. I’ll take you to our nest.” Humming contentedly, her head rested on my shoulder.

Once we reached the guarded doors, Osirus stood with his arms crossed. “Creed? A moment?” Nodding, we walked to a sitting room that held nothing but Elven guards.

“Vampires are in the kingdom,” Tangle spoke harshly. “They are few in numbers, but their speeds are great, and their smells have been covered. Fae Warriors are out now, traveling in groups of five. We wanted you to be aware. They cannot climb the palace’s thick outer walls and the main palace walls. There is a spell cast by Osirus’ sorceress that will not let a nightwalker enter.”

“How can this be?” I growled.

“Vampires can walk with light sources, but their skin can handle only so much. The spell that has been cast holds ultraviolet molecules. If you walk outside, it looks like the castle is on fire. We are only limited to the castle. Be sure Odessa does not walk outside and stays confined to your room. We must always know where she is.” My grip tightened on Odessa, feeling her steady heartbeat and breathing.

“She’s weak,” I said. Osirus’ stoic stare gave no surprise.

“I know.” Osirus grabbed his sword and put it in his sheath. “Ondi looks the same as the last time I saw her.” He winked. “Your parents have been briefed about the situation as well. Your tribe is within the palace gates to protect them. Those who live in the Kingdom have been advised to take shelter either in our walls or in their homes. Once dawn approaches, we seek them out. We are no match in the dark. The Fae draws their power from the light sources.”

I rubbed the back of Odessa’s hair. “Thank you.” My voice was low, unable to truly thank them for what they were willing to do and risk for my mate.

“Don’t worry, Creed, we will protect her. It could be any one of our mates in your situation, but it is severely important to protect Odessa; she will be the light when darkness overpowers our world.” My Dragon growled heavily. My Odessa was not ready to fight. I won’t let her.

“Let’s go.” Osirus led the men out, Melina waiting at the door with her dagger. They exchanged words, causing Melina to throw her blade at a nearby wall, stomping away.

Thank the gods Odessa was perfectly happy letting me protect her.


I was here. It wasn’t a dream at all. I could touch them, feel the heat of their skins, feel the warmth of the hybrid Dragon and Griffon be upon me. Apollo sobbed; the massive Alpha sobbed into my neck while Creed held onto me like a little fledgling.

My family was all together again, and it was all thanks to Odessa. She does not know what she has done. The magic inside her has yet to grow, but with Hecate’s help and the gods' will, they granted our family one more chance. More families were more deserving than us. I had an entire month with my mate. Some die in battle or never find them, like Apollo’s friends from home. We were lucky. We had Creed. I had a beautiful son that looked just like my mate. If only I had remembered when I was last alive.

The in-between, the dreamlike state where I could relive past moments with Apollo, but there was no physical touch because I had willed to see it repeatedly. Visiting Creed, he allowed me in his mind once the curse was broken, but when the curse was alive in Apollo, he did not know me.

The dreams are over. My time, our time, of being cursed, was finished. Reuniting with my mate brought such joy into my heart. Apollo was shy. He held onto me like it was our last meeting. Daring to take me, to make me his before we were interrupted.

Pushing Creed away, knowing he wanted to spend time with his mother, was difficult, but Apollo needed me. Hell, I needed him.! Once Creed was out of sight, Apollo picked me up, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

“Ah ain’t waitin’ any long’r, Ondi.” I giggled into his shoulder, kissing his soon-to-be marking spot. He groaned, feeling his erection against the lower half of my body. We were close to the same height, two Alphas with amazing strength and genes to carry on our lines.

It’s funny how the gods plan these things.

I couldn’t see where we were going. His beard tickled my bare shoulder as his teeth ripped the fabric away. His teeth nipped, causing me to moan into his neck. My kisses ran up to his beard until I sucked on his earlobe. Both my hands cupped around his neck, scratching with my claws. His fingers tightened around my ass, and gods feeling those large muscular forearms bulge as he did, make me wetter than any waterfalls in the Golden Light Kingdom.

“I dinnae want ’em to smell ya, Ondi,” he growled, biting my shoulder playfully.

“Then you must be quick, mate.” A feather fell from his head, causing me to laugh while he kicked the elaborate double doors to his room.

“I dinnae ’ave a nest,” he sighed disappointedly. “Ah dinnae ’ave one worthy.” I sat up in his arms, shaking my head.

“It isn’t about our nest, my love. It’s about just you and me,” I sighed, kissing him. His mouth massaged my lips, his warm tongue invading my mouth. He groaned, pushing my lower waist into his thick shaft. The thin dress I wore was doing nothing to protect me from his beast.