Dara muttered something Devon couldn’t make out, but her sister’s expression made the sentiment clear.

“How do you not see that Ted’s a jerk? I can’t believe you’d even consider marrying that guy.”

“He had to leave. He has important responsibilities to uphold.”

“His first one should’ve been to you. He should be here now.”

“You sound like Oz,” Devon muttered.

“Good. Because he’s right. He’s been here for you this whole time. Tell me you see that.”

“Oz is a good friend,” she stressed.

“I know you still have feelings for him, too.”

She did. She always would.

But now?

Ten years later?

She knew what Oz expected of her. But she wasn’t ready to give up on her dream. Or New York.

But wouldn’t that happen once she and Ted were married? What if he did manage to become governor down the line? Wouldn’t she have to give it all up then? Oz was right, Ted’s career would come first. Be a priority for both of them and hers would take a nosedive no matter what.

“Just don’t hurt him, Dev. Not again. You weren’t here so you didn’t see Oz last time. You don’t know how bad it was. Michael was really worried about him. We all were.”

If it was anything like she’d felt, she knew all too well how bad Oz had been. But she’d had her new job and the excitement of the move to focus on and keep her going. What had Oz focused on? “That’s the last thing I’d want.”

“Then get it together,” Dara said. “Sleeping in his arms? You don’t think that’s sending signals you shouldn’t be sending?”

Devon didn’t answer. Couldn’t. Because she knew Dara was right. Oz had snuggled her close last night to comfort her, but she should’ve shoved him away. Kept a boundary.

She walked a tightrope where Oz was concerned. Because it would be so easy to allow herself to lean on him even more than she already had. Allow him to comfort her because she so desperately needed it.

To… kiss her?

What would Dara say if she knew about the kiss on the beach?

As Logan pushed the golf cart to its maximum speed down the paved paths toward one end of the island, Devon watched the scenery fly by.

Beautiful pines and live oaks, palm trees, crepe myrtles. Such a difference from concrete buildings and skyscrapers.

Sometimes she got tired of the noise and the traffic and the unpleasant aromas that made the city what it was. She missed her family and friends so badly, and a phone call wouldn’t do, but—

“There. That’s it,” Adaline said.

She and Dara both looked to see where their aunt pointed. Devon couldn’t stop the small gasp that escaped when she took in the massive beautiful home up ahead.

Logan wheeled the cart into a particular driveway, and everyone raced toward the door. On the porch, however, they all looked at each other before Logan finally stretched out a long, tanned arm and rang the doorbell.

Dara tapped her foot impatiently, and Devon gripped her fingers so tight they went numb. Finally they heard footsteps on the other side of the door before a man opened it and did a double take. “Well now, it doesn’t take much to know who you are,” he said, his attention on Adaline. From there his gaze shifted to Devon and Dara and he smiled.

“Mr.…Sennett?” Logan said.

“Call me Connor,” he said. “You’re Adaline,” he said, greeting her aunt.

“Yes. This is my son, Logan, and my nieces—”