Oz watched as Dara backed up and discreetly moved over to where Oliver’s guard stood. The two began a private conversation, confirming what Michael had told him about how Dara had come to know the intimate details of the accident and was able to alert them in order to protect Rayna Jo.

Both looked grim when Dara slowly made her way back toward her mom.

“Mr. Beck, I’m Dara Teeks. Denz told you that I work for Guardian Group?”

“Yes, he did,” Oliver said. “I’m glad he was able to contact you after the accident,” Oliver said carefully.

“Me, too. I just wanted to add my apologies and express my relief that you’re okay.”

Rayna Jo’s eyes filled with tears that trickled down her cheeks. “I-I’m sure my husband will want to apologize the moment he wakes up from surgery. He’s never had an accident before. He’s normally such a good driver.”

“No worries, ma’am. But I do hope someone will keep me posted on his condition,” he said, glancing at Dara, who nodded.

“Of course, Mr. Beck.”

“Please know we’ll be praying for your husband and family, Mrs. Teeks,” Beck’s wife said.

“Thank you. And I, you,” Rayna Jo said.

Throughout the exchange, Devon had remained quiet, but as Oliver Beck turned to walk away, he caught sight of her and stopped.

The man then glanced from Devon to Dara and back to Devon again, and from across the room, Oz could see the man’s brain cranking as he put the pieces together.

“Devon…from What’s Hot?” Oliver asked.

Devon looked like she wanted to crawl under the nearby chairs, but instead she moved toward Beck and held out her hand. “It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Beck. We met on the red carpet two years ago after you filmed Moonshadow.”

“I thought you looked familiar,” he said, tilting his head at Dara. “I didn’t realize you had a twin.”

“I try to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible,” Dara said with a small smile. “She’s in it enough for both of us.”

Oliver Beck chuckled at the statement and nodded. “I understand that. Well, I’ll leave you to comfort your mother. Please keep me informed.”

“Yessir,” Dara said.

The moment Oliver Beck and the others left the waiting area, everyone kind of looked at each other in astonishment. The night just kept getting weirder and weirder.

Lights flashed outside the windows, and Oz realized they were camera lights taking photos of Oliver leaving the hospital.

“Mom, we need to talk to you,” Dara said with a glance at her sister. “About the accident and… Dad.”

“What about it?” Rayna Jo asked.

“Dara, dear,” Tessa Gallagher, another of the Babes, said, “why don’t you and Devon go get us all some coffee? Let us Babes handle things here for a bit.”

Tessa gave Rayna Jo’s daughters a firm nod before she tilted her head toward the door.

“That’s a good idea. It might be a little easier coming from us than from you, hon,” Mary Elizabeth added.

“What might be easier? What do you mean?” Rayna Jo asked. “What are you not telling me?”

Adaline took hold of her sister’s hand and squeezed.

“It’s all right,” Adaline said to Rayna Jo. To the rest of them, she said, “If you’re not a Babe, go get some coffee. Ray-Ray and I’ll take a mocha on your way back.”

One by one, those gathered filed out of the room. The Babes’ husbands who were present were the first to bolt as quickly as they could, with Michael catching up with his dad to speak to him. Dara and Devon were next, and Oz brought up the rear.

“This is not okay,” Dara muttered. “Mom is going to be devastated when she hears the details.”

“She will be. But her friends and family will help her pick up the pieces,” Oz said softly, watching as Dara glanced over her shoulder toward him while Devon purposely kept her gaze ahead of her. “Just like y’all did for me,” he continued, “when Devon left me at the altar.”