“Ted, I don’t want to give up my life and career to be a politician’s wife. I haven’t worked as hard as I have to just—stop. I love what I do. Who I am. And…she isn’t someone I can compromise. Not after the battle I’ve had to get here.”

Ted swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple moving up and down in a visible gulp.

“Devon, we can work through this. Is this because I didn’t make it to the funeral?”

“No. I mean, you not being there factors in, but it’s more that it drew attention to the fact that down the line, if we were to marry, you wouldn’t be there for me then either.”

“You’re saying I’m selfish.”

“I’m saying your career will take priority over everything else. And for some women, that’s okay and more power to them. But it’s not for me and I don’t think I realized it until now.” The silence following her words told her everything about his thoughts.

It amazed her. It took time to build a relationship—texts and phone calls, dates and weekends. But it only required seconds to end one. Maybe that was yet another indication of the lack of depth their relationship held?

Ted tucked the ring back into his pocket and moved toward the door without another word. He paused and she braced herself for whatever he was about to say.

He opened his mouth but then closed it, giving his head a tight shake as he pulled his hand from his pants pocket and held up the key she’d given him several months ago. He tossed it into the bowl by the door and walked out.

Devon crossed the rose-petaled floor and softly shut the door behind him. She lowered her head on the wood with a slight bang and closed her eyes to stop the burning.

She’d told Ted the truth about keeping her identity. Wanting more than to disappear into the shadows behind him as the smiling, political wife. But now?

What now?