“Oscar? Would you like some eggs?” Rayna waved her hand and shook her head. “I’m making you some eggs,” she said.

Oz smiled wryly at the statement and found his seat at the island, remembering the days when he, Michael, and Logan were all three lined up waiting for their plates to be filled at one house or another before a day at the beach with all of the pseudo cousins.

“So, she left again huh?” Logan asked softly.

“She has an interview,” Oz said. “The past is repeating itself all over again.”

“Maybe she won’t get it,” Logan said.

“Even if she doesn’t, she’s still with him.” Ted. He’d have to write a character named Ted in one of his books. Make him a murder victim, Oz mused darkly.

“Oscar,” Rayna said, “may I offer some advice?”

He forced himself to meet the woman’s knowing gaze and nodded. “I’d appreciate that.”

Rayna paused in her breakfast prep to stand opposite them at the island.

“How willing are you to fight for my daughter?”

“I’m willing to compromise on New York this time if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Seriously?” Logan asked, expression one of surprise. “I thought you hated it there.”

“I wouldn’t want to live there year-round but… if it’s that important to Devon, maybe we could split our time between there and here.”

“That is a very good start,” Rayna said, nodding. “Have you told her this?”

“No. I was going to this morning but—”

“But she’s already gone. Well, perhaps a phone call? Or one of those video chats since you wanted to speak to her in person?”

Not exactly the way he wanted things to go, but under the circumstances, it might be his only chance. “Maybe.”

A knock sounded on the door, and he turned to find the rest of the Boardwalk Babes waving at them through the windows.

“You having a party, Rayna?” Logan asked.

The woman released an engaging laugh and hurried to the door. “I am now! Girls! Come see my handsome breakfast companions. Would you like some scrambled eggs?”

“We brought breakfast with us,” Tessa said.

Oz watched as the Babes entered, carrying towel-draped dishes. In typical motherly fashion, the Babes grabbed plates and utensils and served Oz and Logan heaping spoonfuls of eggs, waffles, bacon, a scone, and fresh fruit.

“You guys covered all the bases,” Logan said to them. “Why am I not surprised?”

Adaline kissed and hugged Logan.

“Because you know we love our food while we chat. Oz? Are you okay?” Adaline asked, bringing everyone’s attention to him.

Oz felt his face heat at the multitude of stares, and he nodded. “Fine. Hungry. This is delicious.”

“Devon left this morning for New York,” Rayna said, spoiling his excuse.

Within seconds, Oz found himself surrounded by the women in one big group hug that left Logan failing to disguise a chuckle. “I’ll be fine,” Oz said to them.

“Of course you will,” Adaline said.

“And if she doesn’t come back, it’s her loss,” Tessa said, earning a frowning look from Rayna. “Well, it’s true. Oz is wonderful.”