“Well, the first time you left, you ran away. Now, let me finish,” Rayna said when Devon opened her mouth to argue. “You ran away because you had a dream, and you just weren’t ready to settle down. But this time you’re running back to what you want. To the home you’ve made for yourself. I think once you’re there, one way or another, that will tell you everything you need to know.”

She wasn’t so sure. What if she got there and she was just as torn and mixed up as she felt here?

Oz paced his kitchen floor until the timer he’d set dinged, alerting him to the fact it was a decent hour go to calling at someone’s door.

He left the house in a rush, his long strides eating up the distance between his house and Rayna Teeks’s.

Ever since his time on the beach with Devon, he’d struggled with wanting go caveman, throw her over his shoulder, and keep her locked up somewhere until she came to her senses and realized she belonged there, with him and her family.

But since he couldn’t do that—legally—he had to settle for appearing on her doorstep like the lovesick puppy he was and hope he could get her to actually listen to him.

Somehow, someway, he’d make it work. Compromise. As a full-time writer, he could work anywhere now. All he needed was a laptop and an unlimited supply of coffee.

New York was a creative city, and while he certainly did not want to live there permanently, he’d be willing to compromise and spend part of the time there. He’d do whatever she wanted, needed, to make it work.

She just had to get rid of Ted and—

“Oscar,” Rayna said, opening the door before he could knock. “Good morning. I saw you coming up the steps. Is everything all right? It’s so early.”

The woman wore her bathrobe, and Oz grimaced at his bad manners. “I know. I’m sorry about that but I need to talk to Devon. Face-to-face.”

“Oh,” Rayna said. “I’m afraid that’s impossible. She’s gone. She changed her flight and returned early to have some time before her interview.”

Changed her flight? Had their kiss scared her that much? “Is she coming back?”

Rayna gave him a sad look.

“I guess that depends on if she gets the job. Would you like to come in? Have some coffee?”

He didn’t respond but he didn’t have to. Rayna stretched out a hand to grasp his and pulled him inside, leading the way to the kitchen, where she scooted out a seat at the island.

“Sit, sit. I’ll get us fixed right up.”

He watched as she quickly found mugs and went to the pot already in the process of filling.

A knock sounded and he turned to see Logan outside the kitchen door. “I’ll let him in.”

“Thank you, dear.”

Logan raised his eyebrows high when Oz unlocked and swung the door wide.

“Hey. What are you doing here?” Logan asked, lowering his voice. “Something wrong with Rayna?”

“No. I, uh, came over to talk to Devon but she’s left for New York.”

Logan drew back, his expression a combination of sadness and pity.

“Sorry, man.”

“Logan, what are you doing here?” Rayna asked her nephew. “Checking up on me again?”

“Just coming to see my favorite aunt,” Logan said. “And hoping there might be some breakfast involved.”

Logan clapped a hand on Oz’s shoulder before he crossed to Rayna and bent to kiss her cheek.

“Scrambled or over easy?” Rayna asked.
