“I like the quiet,” she said, turning to lie on her belly once more. “But I don’t like being grilled about Ted.”

Oz lay down as well but propped himself on his side, facing her. She could feel his gaze on her. “Stop staring.”

“It’s hard to look away.”


“Devon,” he said, mimicking her tone with his husky one. “You’re beautiful.”

She propped her cheek on her folded hands and studied him from behind her sunglasses. “And you’re a flirt.”

“Only with you.”

He propped his head on one arm and lay on his side, looking at her.

“Do you have any idea how badly I want to kiss you again?”

“Oh, Oz. We should leave. I’m—”

“Determined to marry the wrong guy,” he quickly interjected. “And I can’t stop asking myself why. What are you afraid of? What are you running from?”

“I’m not.”

“You are. You did it ten years ago and you’re doing it now. I get close and you—”

Devon watched as his expression tightened just a bit, changed, as though he’d stumbled upon the answers to the questions he asked. But if he had, that meant—

“You’re afraid to be with me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, shoving herself upright and grabbing the T-shirt she’d tossed aside. She yanked it over her head. Where were her shorts?

“You’re afraid to love me,” he continued. “I threaten you. The question is why?”

“Are all writers as melodramatic as you are right now?” she asked.

Oz reached out and grasped her arm in his hand, tugging just when she was about to shove herself to her feet. It put her off-balance, and she tumbled sideways toward him, landing on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled so that she was beneath him on her back, legs curled over his side. “O—”

His mouth covered hers, the kiss smothering the sound of his name. She froze hands trapped between their bodies. He softened his hold, tilted his head, and kissed her once more before raising his head and nuzzling his nose against hers.

“Ten years and the ground still shakes when you kiss me.”

“Y-you kissed m-me.”

Oz’s lips curled in a grin that made her body clench.

“Yes, I did. Want me to do it again?”

“I’ve got an interview in New York in a couple of days,” she blurted, desperate to stop the desire she felt for him to kiss her again. “And Ted is waiting for me when I return.”

His expression darkened, and Oz drew back, releasing her. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the sky, and even though her statements had gained her her freedom and stopped the kiss exactly as she’d wanted, she felt bereft at the loss.