He lifted his hand to get the bartender’s attention and asked for a box. He might not be hungry now, but come midnight when he took a break, he knew he would be. Writers weren’t known for keeping normal hours.

“Oz, come on. Just… play the romantic while she’s here. Show her the difference.”

“The difference?” Oz asked.

“Between what she has—and what she could have with you. Can’t be that hard, right?”

That same evening, Devon was in the kitchen making tea when she heard a noise behind her.

“Make one for me, too?” her mother asked.

“Of course. What are you doing up? It’s late.”

“When you sleep the day away, it means not sleeping at night.”

The microwave dinged and Devon removed the mug of water, carrying it to her mother and shoving the tea box across the island toward her. Devon moved to a cabinet and took out another mug, starting the process again.

“Are you all right, dear? You seem— Oh! Aren’t you supposed to start your new job tomorrow?”

Devon stared at the numbers on the microwave and used it as an excuse to not have to look at her mother. “It fell through.”

“What happened?”

“It doesn’t matter, Mama.”

“It does matter. Oh, Devon, it fell through because of me, didn’t it?” her mother asked, sounding horrified.

“It’s fine. It wasn’t like I could leave for New York so soon anyway. Especially not with you missing. I’d never be able to forgive myself.”

“But I’m home now. And I’m fine.”


Rayna—as her mother said she would now like to be called—stared at Devon with an expression of hurt.

“I’m so sorry I messed things up for you, sweet girl. But, yes, I am fine.”

Devon pursed her lips and shook her head in disbelief, her frustration with losing the job, Oz, everything heating up like the water inside the microwave. “So one minute you’re running away and endangering your life, but now—everything’s just peachy? How is that possible, Mama?”

She felt like a child throwing a tantrum in light of her mother’s calm presence, but it was weird, right? The woman had been in a fugue state a little over twenty-four hours ago. And missing!

“It’s possible because I’ve accepted that it’s all out of my control. Things happen, Devon, and as hard as they knock us down, we have to get up again and keep living.”

“What about Dad?”

“What about him?”

“Are you telling me you’ve just accepted that he died the way that he did—and you’re okay with it?”

“Can I do anything to change it?”

“No, but—”

“But nothing. Sweetheart, I lost myself for days. Why should I lose more time worrying and complaining about something that will work out one way or the other no matter what I do?”

Okay, so she had a point, but still… “Do you have a plan if the woman’s family wins?”

“Not yet, no. But with Connor and Adam’s legal help, I’m sure I’ll be well represented. The rest is in God’s hands.”