Rayna returned the hug and released her sister, breathing in the soft scent of her perfume. “I make no promises. It was exactly what I needed, and if I need to do it again, I will,” she stated determinedly.

“Ray-Ray, do you remember what happened? Do you have any foggy areas?”

“I remember it all. I’m fine, Logan. Truly. Just tired and… resigned.”

He studied her for a long moment as though assessing her words and demeanor before he nodded.

“I’ll let you two talk,” Logan said, straightening from his crouched position in front of her to kiss her cheek and take his leave.

The door shut softly behind Logan, and Rayna prepared herself for the lecture she knew she’d receive.

“I thought you’d hurt yourself,” Adaline said, voice tight. “That you’d left me.”

“I thought about it. I thought about a lot of things,” she said, admitting the darkness had almost won, “but then… I got angry. Why should I allow Richard’s idiocy to ruin my life? If it happens and I lose everything, then I suppose it’s God’s will. Isn’t that what Mother would tell us?”

“She’d say, Earthly possessions aren’t ever ours. Love them too much and watch how quickly they’ll get taken away.”

Adaline patted Rayna’s hand and squeezed it tightly.

“We’ll find a way to fix this. It’ll all be fine,” her sister said.

“I hope so. But if the worst does happen? I realize after last night, that’s okay, too.”

Adaline’s eyes widened like she knew Rayna meant what she said.

“Rayna Jo—”

“Rayna,” she corrected gently, feeling a bit silly over the name thing but determined to stand her ground. “Rayna Jo was weak. Rayna isn’t,” she said, holding Adaline’s gaze. “I’m not Rayna Jo anymore. I won’t be disrespected or cower from problems. I won’t. Whatever happens, Rayna will be okay.”

Adaline lifted her hand and smoothed Rayna’s hair over her shoulder.

“That must have been some come-to-Jesus journey last night.”

“It was.”

“You know, you’ll be pleased to hear all of this has opened my eyes to some things as well.”

“Oh?” Rayna asked.

“You were right about Dale. That night I went to his condo, he tried to do more than flirt. Tried hard,” Adaline said, giving her a look.

“And?” Rayna asked, searching her sister’s face.

“And… I was tempted, I admit. Then we got the news about Richard and… thankfully, it opened my eyes and I got out of there.”

“Oh, Adaline.”

“No, it’s good. It was the best thing that happened. This mess with Richard has made me rethink things. I can’t believe I’d even consider ruining my marriage. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so glad Dara contacted me before anything happened.”

“Me, too.”

“I’d never want to hurt Hugh the way Richard hurt you, and through all of this, Hugh has been a saint,” she said. “I took it for granted. All of it.”

“I think a lot of people do after a while.”

“I’m ashamed of it. Hugh has always been around whenever I needed him and is such a good man. Richard wasn’t around that often for you, and you still mourn him.”

“You lost focus for a moment, but you won’t allow yourself to do that again. I’m glad you see things clearly now,” Rayna said.