
“I’m supposed to be back in New York tonight, and considering it takes a minimum of two commercial flights to get there, I need to leave now to make it happen. Instead, I’m going to have to call the network and… How could she just take off like that?”

“Your mom has been through a lot.”

“I know. I know, but we’ve all been through a lot,” she said, struggling to find her sympathy in light of it screwing up her career. Hadn’t they all suffered from her father’s behavior? Why was her mother adding to the list?

“I’m sure the network will understand. Give you a few extra days.”

Was it possible?

Oz’s comment instilled hope but she had her doubts. On that side of the camera, it was dog-eat-dog, and if she couldn’t do what needed done, someone else would gladly step into her uncomfortable shoes.

But what else could she do?

Ted wasn’t right. Was he? At what point did she start protecting herself from the fallout? Could she even do it? Did she want to when it meant distancing herself from the mother who loved her and raised her?

Devon heard the house phone ring and swung her legs to the porch floor. Two seconds later, she was inside, praying it was good news, only to see Dara wave her closer and hold out the phone.

“It’s for you. Someone named Tia?”

Devon pressed a hand to her rolling stomach. It’s like the powers that be at the network had heard her mental battle.

She sucked in a fortifying breath and took the portable phone from Dara. “Tia? Hi, what’s up?”

“Oh, Devon, thank God,” Tia said with her typical drama. “I’ve called your cell all night and had to convince HR it was an emergency to get them to call you at this number.”

“I’m sorry. I’m exhausted and must have slept through the calls. What’s going on?” she asked, even though she knew.

“Um, well, they want to know if you’re coming back. Like, now. Mr. Probst saw the news and was at my desk waiting for me when I got in.”

Devon pressed her finger and thumb to the bridge of her nose and squeezed. “Is he there now?”

“No, but I can patch you through to his office.”

She needed to caffeinate before this phone call, but since it wasn’t possible… “Yeah, do that. Thanks, Tia.”

Silence followed her request and then Devon heard Tia clear her throat.

“Are you… coming back? I’m asking because my internship is with you and—”

“Tia, put me through please.”

Tia stopped talking, and a second later, the phone clicked. The live network audio sounded in Devon’s ear for several moments until the phone clicked again and the chatter stopped.

Devon grimaced when Probst answered the phone with a few choice words, demanding to know where she was. “I’m still in North Carolina. My mother is missing.”

“I’m aware of that, but it doesn’t change our contract or the job you were hired to do.”

“I realize that but… my mother is missing. She’s not handling things well and… I-I can’t come back to New York right now.”

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

No. No, no, for the love of God, no! “I’m sorry, Mr. Probst. You must see that this scenario isn’t exactly normal? Couldn’t Simone stay on a few more days? A week? It might give me the time to settle things here.”

“I’d like to humor your request, Devon, but that’s not possible. Ms. Valentino went into labor this morning and can’t even finish her last day. I have to find an anchor in… thirty minutes.”

“Mr. Probst—”