“And neither does your family, so it seems.”

“I asked you not to mention anything because it’s very new and… We got engaged yesterday, okay? Before Dara called about Dad. Literally, seconds before.”

He whistled softly. “That is new. But given the seriousness of the situation, why didn’t Ted come with you?” He watched as her hands fisted.

“Because he can’t get away that quickly. And… he’s running for office and he needs to steer clear of scandal—which I understand given the circumstances. I’d avoid this, too, if I could.”

The man was a coward. Couldn’t she see that? No decent human being would allow someone they loved to go through what Devon faced alone. “He should be here with you. No excuses.”

Devon yanked open the fridge door again and pulled out a bowl of grapes only to open the freezer next and shove them inside.

Frozen grapes?

“It’s easy to judge something you don’t understand.”

“I do understand. Your father was in a horrible car accident, in critical condition. The circumstances are unpleasant—”


“I’m being kind,” he stated without pause. “The point is any man worth marrying should be here by your side. Period.”

“Again, you know nothing of it. Now kindly leave the topic alone and stay out of my love life.”

“Doesn’t sound as though there is one,” he murmured before he could stop himself.

Devon released a small shriek of frustration that left him wincing, and he watched as she stomped from the room into the breakfast area and out of sight.

“Still working your magic, I see,” Logan said softly from behind him.

Oz turned to find his best friend’s twin watching him with an amused expression. “I’ve got the touch.”

“Do I want to know what that was about?” Logan asked.

“Probably. But it’ll mean asking her, and I recommend you proceed with caution if you do. How’s Rayna Jo?”

“Logan?” Devon called from the other room, apparently identifying his voice.

Seconds later she’d made her way back to the kitchen, and Oz watched as she made a beeline for her cousin.

“How is she?” Devon asked.

“Physically, she’s fine,” Logan said. “Emotionally… that’s another story.”

“What can we do?” Devon asked. “What’s happening?”

“After examining Rayna Jo I called Zoey. We believe it’s something called dissociative amnesia. It’s a disorder that’s caused by high stress or trauma. Rayna Jo’s also experiencing conversion disorder and feels like she’s not quite in her body. Thankfully neither is typically permanent, and they usually resolve on their own. But they can last several days… or weeks.”

“Weeks?” Devon asked.

“I can order an MRI to check for a stroke but… I just don’t think that’s it. She has no speech impediment, no paralysis or slurring. Based on what’s going on, I think Zoey’s right and it’s emotional, especially given Rayna Jo’s history of anxiety and depression. For now, our best advice is for her to rest and stay calm. It’ll give her mind time to adjust to what it already knows.”

“That’s it? There’s nothing we can do?” Devon asked.

Oz watched as his friend shook his head and, in the process, seemingly broke Devon’s heart.

“Keep her away from the television and radio. Protect her from the mess outside. She thinks the reporters are here because you’ve landed such a big position in New York.”

“But that was ten years ago.”