“What have I been doing this whole time?” Thanks a lot, Emma. You’re welcome for the massage.

“No, I want you to touch me in other places.” She’d dropped the stealth and was playing her hand.

“What places? You’re going to have to be very specific, because I might end up touching your nose if you don’t give me the right direction.” I stroked her nose with a finger and she inhaled shakily.

“Is it weird that’s turning me on?” she asked. I laughed.

“Do you have something for noses? I bet we can pull up some nose porn if you’re into that.” She pretended to gag.

“No, thank you. I’m good. But I would rather have you touching some places other than my nose.” She turned and we were face-to-face on the couch and I saw her in all her topless glory. Her tits really were ideal. Round and heavy and perfect.

“I’m going to need some direction, or I’m going for your nose again,” I said, raising one finger and going at her with it.

“No, don’t you dare!” I tackled her and started booping her nose repeatedly.

“Is this turning you on? Is this turning you on?” I asked as she laughed and squirmed under me. This position was really making her boobs move and I was mesmerized. I stopped poking her nose and stared down at her.

“See something you like?” she asked.

“Two somethings. Yes, I like them very much. Too much, probably.” Without her even asking, I stroked one of her breasts. I couldn’t resist.

“Was this what you wanted me to touch?” Her eyes closed and she arched into me.

“Yes, please, yes.” That was a good enough answer for me. I wanted to put lotion on her and give her another massage, but I also wanted to lick her all over, and that probably wouldn’t taste good, so I refrained. They probably made edible lotion, but I didn’t have any on hand. I made a mental note to look it up later. Much later.

“Is this interfering with your thinking?” she asked, as I lightly squeezed one of her breasts and then pinched one nipple. She made a little yelping noise of pleasure.

“Not at all,” I said. “Not at all.” I played and teased her nipples and soaked in her sounds of pleasure. I could pretty much do this all the time for the rest of my life and be happy. This was like grown-up sensory play. Plus, she enjoyed it, so there was that bonus. I loved making her feel good. I felt like I’d wasted too much time not touching her this way and I had to make up for it.

“I love it when you touch me like this. And I love the look on your face. Like I’m the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.” I smiled down at her and swirled my finger around her belly button.

“Youarethe most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She smiled back at me and my heart felt too hot and too large to fit in my chest. I wasn’t lying or exaggerating or flattering her. She was. I’d always thought so. I’d always been a little jealous of how gorgeous she was and wished I could look like her.

“Thank you,” she said. Instead of arguing with me, or pointing out her own flaws, she just thanked me. That was something I needed to work on. I was awful at accepting compliments.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this again,” I said. I mean, I could. I’d been thinking about it happening since it had happened last night. Had it only been one day? Time was a construct, so maybe it was more time than that. Or less. Who cared? It didn’t matter, only now mattered.

“This wasn’t my plan,” she said, taking one of my hands and entwining our fingers. She brought my hand to her mouth and kissed it.

“It wasn’t? With that whole performance about the stiff neck? I mean, come on. How much porn have you seen?” She raised one dark eyebrow.

“How much porn haveyouseen?” I really wanted to know what kind of porn she watched all of a sudden. She hadn’t told me last night and now I wanted to know.

“My fair share. Sometimes I need a little stimulation, you know?” I did. In fact, I usually needed something like porn to really get myself in the sexy mindset. My ADHD brain needed something to focus on so I wasn’t bouncing all around to other things and never having an orgasm. Porn was focus for me.

“What kind of porn do you watch?” I asked, and her cheeks got red. “Is it something . . . interesting?” I didn’t want to kinkshame her at all. But I was definitely going to be a little hesitant if what got her off was like . . . blueberry girl porn, which was something I wish I had never looked up on the internet.

“Like, is it something I would be ashamed to tell you about?” she asked, and I nodded. “I don’t think so? You wanna look at my search history?” Not really. All this talk of porn was riling me up and I wanted to be fucking rather than talking about watching other people fucking.

“We can chat about it post-coitus,” I said.

“So there’s going to be coitus?” she asked.

“Uh, yes? I mean, unless you don’t want there to be. But I figure that was where this was going. Did you want to stop?”

Emma shook her head.

“No, I don’t want you to stop. But I really want you to take your clothes off. And I’m not sure if I want to do this on the couch. It’s hard to clean cushions.” Good point. So practical, that Emma.