This was also a pretty new experience for me, but I learned quickly what Emma liked. Once I got a good routine going, I added my finger, fucking her on the inside and drove her hard, feeling with my finger and my tongue when she was close and backing off before she came. Mean, but it was going to be worth it.

“You are a horrible person,” she said, the third time I did it.

“No, I’m a wonderful person and you will thank me,” I said, licking my lips. I was going to need a towel to wipe off my face after this.

“Please, I can’t take much more.” Her knuckles were white as they gripped the blankets and her legs thrashed.

“I guess I’ve tortured you enough. Are you ready to come?” She glared down at me.

“If you don’t let me come in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to murder you.” I almost burst out laughing, but she looked pretty damn serious.

“Fine, fine. Don’t get your panties all twisted.”

“Shut up and suck my clit.” I was so shocked my mouth dropped open. I’d never heard Emma talk like that before. Granted, I’d never gone down on Emma before so maybe this was a new facet of her personality that I was just getting to witness.

“As you wish,” I said, and went back to sucking her clit and flicking it with my tongue and remembering to give her labia some love as well. I fucked her hard with my fingers, curling them to hit that special spot inside her that would make her scream. I didn’t count (because I was busy with other things), but just about thirty seconds later her thighs smushed my ears again and her back arched and she called out as her hips jerked with her release. It went on for a while, and I kept it going as long as I could until I could tell she was done. I rested my cheek on her leg and looked up at her.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re very welcome, Emma. It was my pleasure.” Literally. I was hornier than I’d ever been in my entire life. I could probably come with minimal effort, but I wanted her to bask in her own orgasm before I started thinking about my own. This moment was for her.

She stroked my damp hair away from my face.

“You’re a mess,” she said with a warm smile.

“I’m your mess.” Her chest was damp from sweat, but she was glowing, like she was lit from within. I was responsible for that. The feeling of power struck me so hard that I wanted to get up and shout from the rooftops. I wanted everyone to know that I had made Emma look and feel like that.

“That was amazing,” Emma said, looking up at the ceiling. “I’ve never come that hard. I didn’t know Icouldcome that hard. Jesus, Callyn.”

I buried my face between her legs again to hide my blush. I couldn’t deal with this level of compliments.

“Hey, look at me,” she said, tugging at my hair. I lifted my head and rested my chin on her leg.

“What?” I said.

“You were amazing. And it wasn’t just what you did. It’s because it was you. Come here.” She lifted my chin and guided me forward. I scooted up until my face was level with hers. I wasn’t sure if she’d want to kiss me, but she lifted her face until our lips touched.

“Thank you,” she said again.

“You’re welcome.” Her smile turned wicked and a shiver went down my spine.

“Good. Now sit on my face.”

That was completely new territory for me, but fuck it, I was going to sit on my best friend’s face and fuck her like there was no tomorrow.

It took a little adjusting and giggling and blushing (on my part mostly), but I got where I needed to be and thanked her for buying a guest bed with a solid headboard because it gave me something to hold onto. It was quite the view looking down between my legs to find Emma looking up at me.

“Am I suffocating you?” I asked, lifting my hips a little. I was worried about her ability to breathe right now.

“Nope,” she said, and then that wicked smile returned and then I wasn’t thinking about Emma being able to breathe. I wasn’t thinking about anything at all. I was taken over by the all-consuming pleasure of Emma licking my most intimate place. I wanted to write songs about her mouth and its ability to completely turn me inside out. Had she been doing some sort of special exercises? Where had she learned to do all of this?

It didn’t matter, and my thoughts were increasingly getting pushed out of my brain by the building intensity that was threatening to destroy me.

I wasn’t even in control of my body as I thrust my hips against her mouth and made so many sounds I didn’t even know I could make and I’m pretty sure I heard some muffled moans from Emma. I really hoped I wasn’t killing her because then we could never do this again. That would be the worst.

I could feel the climax coming and just as I was teetering on the edge, she stopped. Terrified that I’d hurt her, I froze, which was the most difficult thing I’d ever done in my life.

“Are you okay?” I panted, looking down. I had to move my hips back so she could answer me.