“No, you’re definitely not innocent, but I like that about you.”

“Oh, you like that? What else do you like?” I smiled and moved closer to him.

“I like your bitch face. And I like that you always wear high heels. And I like that you care so much about your job. And I like this . . . And this . . .” He moved his hand from one breast to the other and then slid it down my stomach and moved and thumbed my clit and flicked my piercing.

“Oh, I definitely like this.” I was so sensitive from the recent contact with that area that it didn’t take much for me to want him again.

“I like your hair, and your eyes, and this,” I said, putting my finger in his chin dimple. “And I like this,” I said tapping his nipple ring. “And I guess I like this,” I said, moving down to his dick.

“You seemed to like it a few minutes ago.”

“I guess. It was okay.” He growled and lunged at me until he was straddling me again. I screamed and he nuzzled in my neck.

“Speaking of that, I need to take care of it.” He reached over to grab some tissues and tossed the condom. I needed to get up and pee, so I did that and then came back and crawled back into bed with him, snuggling under his arm.

“I like this,” he said, pulling me close.

“I like this too.” I liked it a lot. A lot, a lot. I yawned even though I tried not to.

“Go to sleep, Sunshine. We’ll have other nights.” I didn’t want to, but he had really nice pillows, so I let myself rest against his chest and the sound of his breathing lulled me to sleep.


An alarm blared in my ears and it felt like it was stabbing my skull with sound.

“Oh my GOD, that needs to stop,” I moaned and rolled over. I’d been sprawled over Lucah’s bare chest and his arms and legs had been all twisted with mine.

The blaring stopped abruptly and I looked at him as he blinked his eyes open.

“I wanted to make sure you had enough time to shower and get to work. Sorry about the early hour, Sunshine.”

He kissed my forehead and I squinted at him.

“No big. Why don’t you get up and make me breakfast, or get it, or something and I’ll just lay here for a little while and . . . get myself mentally ready.”

“You’re not a morning person, are you? I thought you would be.”

“Why? Because of the name? I think that was wishful thinking on my parents’ part. Besides, nobody really calls me by my full first name, not even my parents.”

He got up and pulled his boxers back on before he leaned over me.

“I’m going to get some breakfast ready. If you’re not in the shower in ten minutes, I’m coming in here and throwing you in.” He nipped the end of my nose and I put the pillow over my head.

“Get up, Sunshine,” he said, ripping the covers off me.


His only answer was to laugh as he banged around the kitchen. Well, if the alarm didn’t get me up, the noise in the kitchen did. I grabbed my bag and went to shower. One of these mornings I wanted to shower with him. Or nights. Just nights. Maybe tomorrow.

I blow dried my hair and got it up before I put on my work attire. I was back to my pencil skirts and buttoned shirts and I had my red heels on. His back was to me as I walked into the kitchen, but the moment he heard my heels on the tile floor, he turned.

“You’re trying to end me, Sunshine. There’s no way I can work today. I give up.” He held his hands up, one of them holding a spatula.

“Don’t be so dramatic, Mr. Ginger.” I walked closer to see what he was doing. Looked like omelets in one pan and fried potatoes in another. I’d never been so spoiled with breakfast before.

“Hey, I’m very sensitive about my hair color. Be careful there, Miss Clarke.” I grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged on it.

“What are you making?” I made sure to keep my distance from the pans so I didn’t get grease on my white shirt.