“Here,” he said, motioning to me to turn around. He took my hair down from the hairband and started combing through it with his fingers.

“I have two nieces,” he said in answer to my unspoken question.

“Oh.” He smoothed my hair back, then gathered it and twisted it back into a low ponytail like someone who had done it a fair share of times.

“There.” I reached back and it was an improvement.


“Anytime. It’s been a business doing pleasure with you.” He gave me a quick smile and I realized that his hair was pretty fucked, too. I motioned for him to lean down and I ran my fingers through it, trying to get it back to how it looked before.

I gave up.

“Don’t worry. It always looks like this.” He kissed my cheek and then motioned for the door.

“I’ll go first, yes?” I nodded and he slowly opened the door after I unlocked it. “Coast is clear.” I gave him the go-ahead and he walked out of the room like he was just taking a stroll, then headed toward the break room. Smart. I left the door open a crack and waited, my heart pounding.

“Is there someone in here?”

My heart was no longer pounding; it had stopped. The door opened and it was Mrs. Andrews, peering in. I dropped to my knees.

“Oh, hello dear. I saw that the door was open, so I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” I looked up and tried to look as calm as I could.

“Oh, I was just looking for one of my earrings. I only found one this morning, and I remembered I’d been in here last week and thought maybe I’d dropped it, but no luck.” I sighed to really play it up as I got to my feet.

“Would you like me to help you look for it? Four eyes are better than two.” She started to come into the room, but I knew if she did that she’d smell the air freshener and then there would be questions that I couldn’t answer, or at least come up with a good enough story to explain.

“No, that’s all right, I think I’ve combed this room a million times.” I moved toward the door and she had no choice but to back up as I shut it and locked it again.

Sexcapade: Accomplished.


I scurried to the bathroom to check my hair after I nearly got busted by Mrs. Andrews and realized I needed to, um, actually do my job. I loved my job. It was challenging and interesting (for the most part) and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Having an office tryst with Lucas was not going to change that. Or change me. I barely knew the guy, and I wasn’t going to let having sex every now and then with him alter my life.

When I got back to my office, Lucas was back at his desk and he gave me a wink as I walked by. I glared a reprimand at him, but then I slowed my walk and wiggled my butt just a tad before going into my office and shutting the door.

Nothing was going to change, except that I would be sexually satisfied and that was a good thing for everyone.


“What’s the verdict?” Sloane said the second I walked into the apartment that night.

“Can I just put my bag down?”

“Yes, but while you’re doing it tell me how it went with the undies?”

I put my bag down and sighed. To tell the truth, or not to tell the truth? That was the question.

“Well, Lucas seemed to like it when he ripped my clothes off in one of the conference rooms and proceeded to bang me on the table.” Sloane’s mouth dropped open.

“Are you fucking serious? You had sex in your office?”

“Not in my office. But yeah, we did.”

“You dirty slut!” she said slapping my arm, but it was a term of endearment. “I knew you had it in you. Oh my God, you have to give me details. Chlo is coming over by the way. She’s been extra emo lately, so I told her she needed to stop moping and listening to Evanescence and come over.” That was probably a good idea. I hadn’t talked to her in a few days, but I knew Sloane called and texted her frequently to make sure she was doing okay.