She relaxed her mouth a little to give him more freedom to control his thrusts into her mouth, and he took it immediately, starting up a steady rhythm and using his hands in her hair to hold her head still.

Hmmm, she thought to herself. Apparently he likes to be in control, too.

Actually, it was one of the things that she found most fun and stimulating about their encounters, the way that they constantly volleyed back and forth over who was “running things” at any given moment.

They both trusted each other enough to let the other take control, but at the same time they both cared enough to want to be in control themselves, knowing that was how they could give their partner the utmost pleasure.

The way they juggled back and forth between themselves, like a delicate dance that only they knew the choreography to, was one of the things that caused that scorching heat in their chemistry.

She brought her hand up to rub up and down the length of his dick, following after her mouth to get complete coverage. Soon, her palm was coated and slick, just like her lips and tongue, and the whole operation—head and hands—moved like a well-oiled piston up and down his shaft.

When she could feel him getting right to the brink of losing control, she sat up straight and continued to stroke him gently with her hand, just enough to keep the energy going but not nearly enough to send him over that cliff edge of climax.

When he turned to her, eyes on fire with arousal, she said just one word.


He dove down and pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans, now pooled on the driver’s side floor. His hands were steady and determined as he fished out the foil disc, opened it with his teeth, and then rolled the tube of latex down his shaft.

She felt another burst of heat between her legs at the steady and sure way he got that condom on himself. She knew what it was from. One of her favorite qualities about him, one that she’d always been attracted to and yes, one that had always turned her on, was the way he took charge of things between them.

Not big things. It wasn’t like he steamrolled over her when she was set on doing something. Hell, he’d even respected her wishes when she’d asked him to stay away.

But when it came to smaller things, especially as they related to taking care of her—he just took charge.

That was why he was helping her at the diner. It was how he’d gotten roped into volunteering for the Christmas benefit.

He took charge. He took care of her. And she couldn’t have found it any sexier. It was one of the absolute hottest things about him.

When he’d rolled the condom all the way on down to the base, she swung one leg over him so that she was straddling him, and facing him, in the driver’s seat.

They looked into each other’s eyes, and she kept her gaze locked on his while she lowered herself down onto his cock, wanting to see every shade of sensation and emotion as it flicked across the expressive movie screen of his eyes.

Luna drew in a massive breath and then exhaled slowly, drinking in the kaleidoscope of sensations rocketing through her body as Connor filled her up. His strong hands circled her hips and then guided their speed and rhythm as she moved up and down on him.

Her inner walls grabbed at him as she bounced, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders for leverage. She hung on tight, moving up and down slowly at first but quickly building speed.

“God, you look good.”

He spat the words out as if he had no control of them, like they were escaping from his throat on their own.

He leaned forward and captured first one of her breasts, then the other in his mouth as she moved up and down, his sweat-slicked chest pressed tight against her belly, building friction as they moved together.

Luna could feel every tiny bit of it. Every single place that their skin was in contact, she was hyperaware of even the smallest movements.

He threw his head back and she could see that he was getting ready to climax. To her surprise, she found that—despite already having climbed that mountain twice in a relatively short amount of time—she was ready to go again. In fact, she already felt it building deep in her belly.

It was seeing that he was close, that was what did it. They were connected on a cosmic level, one which went way beyond physical, and their lovemaking was so multilayered and entwined that her pleasure was wrapped up in so much more than just what “felt good.”

If she brought him pleasure, that was what felt good. If she was able to satisfy him on a deep level…again, that was what felt good.

So, now, to see that he was about to experience the ultimate culmination of the pleasure that her body was bringing to him…that was enough to bring her to the brink of feeling that pleasure herself.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him as he groaned deeply. She could feel every muscle in his body tremble and clench, and she knew that this was it.

That knowledge was enough to send her rocketing over the edge right along with him, and she snaked her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek to his hair, breathing in his scent as deeply as she could.

She wanted him as close to her as she was able to get him. Pressed against her. Inside her. No barriers at all between the two of them.