She fisted her fingers, twisting his hair around them, and cried out. He moved his thumb over her pleasure nub again and again as he worked his fingers inside of her, and when she finally clenched every muscle in her body and climaxed with a guttural cry, he kept up his rhythm to draw out her pleasure as long as possible.

She collapsed back against the seat, breathing hard and moaning.

“God, that was so good,” she breathed, running her fingers gently through his hair again and again.

He planted small kisses on the insides of her thighs and said, “I’m glad it was good. It was also only the first of many.”

With that, he covered her juicy and quivering mound with his mouth and ran his tongue repeatedly up and down her seam, taking in her sweet taste and drinking it down.

He thrust his tongue inside her and didn’t move for a moment, just held himself very still and waited for her response as he took in all of the small ways that her body was telling him how she felt—the catch in her breath, the tremble in her muscles, the low tone of desperation in her moans.

He moved his hand up and pressed it flat against her belly as he worked his mouth over her, then slipped his thumb down and moved it in circles over her again as he thrust his tongue in and out of her.

Loving the response that his thumb was getting, he moved his mouth up and replaced it with his tongue, flicking her hard nub with the end of his tongue the same way that he’d used it earlier to flick her nipples.

“Ah! God, yes. That’s it. That’s the spot!” she cried, and this only encouraged him to move his tongue faster and faster in those tight circles.

Her hips bucked and he dug his fingers firmly into her soft flesh, holding them just still enough that he could maneuver his mouth on her mound. He felt her muscles straining under his grip and it turned him on just as much as anything else they’d done since getting into the car. She was a wild, bucking bronco and he was just the cowboy to take her for a ride that would end with mind-busting orgasms for both of them.

He smiled to himself. Well, more mind-busting orgasms would be more accurate, he corrected himself. Because he’d already given her one.

Letting the heat of his tongue meld with the volcanic heat radiating from between her legs, he sped his movements up to match the gyrations of her hips. He could tell that she was getting very close to exploding again and he wanted to do everything in his power to make sure that explosion was just as powerful as the one he’d given her just minutes before.

Sliding his hand up between her thighs, he moved his mouth back just a little, giving himself just enough room to gently spread her lips apart, exposing all of the most sensitive flesh to his tongue.

With this extra access, he moved his tongue a little more gently through her folds. He didn’t want to be too harsh with her tender nerve endings. That wouldn’t serve his purpose. He wanted to play her like a fine musical instrument, applying just the perfect levels of pressure and rhythm to draw out the finest performance.

He moved his eyes up to her face, wanting to watch her expressive features as he brought her pleasure.

Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut most of the time, but then when he brushed his tongue over a particularly sensitive spot, they’d fly open as her head pressed backward, arching her back, and her mouth would form itself into a small ‘o’ shape.

He wished he had some way to perfectly preserve the moment forever, because it was definitely a highlight of his life. He didn’t just want to lock a copy away in the vault of his mind. He wanted a perfect copy.

Still, he figured that imperfect memory would have to do, since that was all that he had. He suspected, though, that his memory banks would be filing this one away pretty clearly.

His gaze was glued to her face as her eyes flew open yet again, but this time her mouth opened wide and she let out a strangled cry.

He focused on moving faster and harder, wanting with everything in him to bring her to an amazing climax. He wouldn’t let anything distract him from that—not even the way his dick was pressing so hard against the inside of his jeans that he thought it might burst free, Incredible Hulk style.

When her whimpering cries hit his ears, the particular ones that told him she was riding the crest of orgasm, he knew that his efforts had been worth it. He had accomplished his goal.