“Stop flipping the fuck out,” I demand.

She squirms and wriggles to no avail. I press my hard dick against the crack of her ass, letting her feel through my slacks what she does to me even when she’s pissing me the fuck off.

“I hate you,” she sobs.

“No, you don’t, goddammit.”

I unbuckle my slacks and send them to the floor before kicking out of them. My boxers get shoved down my thighs and then I grip my dick before pressing into her soft, warm, and inviting body. We both hiss as I slide into her.

“I’ll always be your little captive,” she whimpers.

“Damn right,” I growl, slamming into her.

“You’re a liar,” she accuses. “You lied right to my face to get your way.”

I punish her hard with a thrust of my hips that makes her scream. “You said it yourself. I’m a monster.”

She doesn’t say anything else. Simply cries. I reach around to touch her clit. At first she flinches, but then she starts to moan when I work her into a frenzy. As soon as she reaches climax, she screams out my name, whether she wanted to or not. A sense of male pride surges through me. I groan out her name too before coming deep inside her. Her body relaxes against the island. I pull her to her feet and then turn her around.

Hopeless. Sad. Broken.


Maybe I’m not a monster when it comes to her.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out, cradling her cold cheeks in my palms. “I’m fucking sorry, okay.”

She falls against my chest and I hug her tight. “I’m sorry too.”

“You can go to school,” I assure her. “I’m just a possessive asshole, is all.” I kiss the top of her head. “Please don’t ever run away from me again.”

Her head tilts up and she kisses my lips. “I promise. Although running from you is kind of hot.”

“Says the woman with blue lips and chattering teeth.” I pull away and frown when I see blood from her skinned knee. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and warmed up and fed.”

I don’t let her walk to the bathroom, but instead scoop her into my arms. Her fingers push back my wet hair from my forehead as she studies me intently.

“I just didn’t want that sweet dessert,” she whispers, her bottom lip wobbling. “I wanted the pomegranate. I want you.”

Relief floods inside me at the double meaning in her words.

She may have run, but she wants to stay.

“I know,” I assure her. “I know.”

Settled by my response, she smiles. I spend the rest of the night taking care of everything I fucked up.

Lucky for me, Talia’s quick to forgive. She’s sweet like that.

The make-up sex is even sweeter.


Books. Check. Schedule. Check. Pens. Check. Notebooks. Check. I triple check I have everything I need for my first day of classes. I’m taking Theatre, Creative Writing, Art History, and Modern Greek Literature. I already know Theatre will be my favorite with Modern Greek Lit coming in second. I’ve read over the syllabi the professors have sent and I’m as prepared as I can be for my first day.

“Talia, I have a meeting at nine. Let’s go,” Kostas calls from the other room.

I roll my eyes as I gather my stuff and head out to meet him. He’s been cranky ever since he realized I was set on finishing my degree, but at least he’s now accepting it. That crazy man seriously thought he was going to keep me locked up here and I would be okay with it.

When I step into the living room, I find two beefed up men, both dressed to the nines in suits, with buzzed cuts, standing next to Kostas. Both share a similar scowl.

“Hello,” I say, greeting them. I wasn’t aware we had company. When neither of them says anything back, my gaze goes straight to Kostas.

“This is Michael.” He points to the man on the left. “And this is Tadd.” He points to the one on the right. “They’ll be escorting you whenever you leave the property, including to school.” Kostas raises a single brow, daring me to argue, but I’m not stupid. He’s looking for any excuse to forbid me from going, and I’m not about to give him one. “They’ll remain with you at all times. Anywhere you go, they go.”

“Including the bathroom?” I joke, not able to help myself.

Kostas’s jaw clenches. I guess he’s not in a joking mood. “Talia, if you don’t want to take this seriously, I can tie your ass to the bed to keep you at home and call it a day.”

My eyes dart over to Michael and Tadd. Neither of them even cracks a smile or flinches. Are they even human?

“I was only kidding,” I defend.

Kostas steps toward me. “Your safety is not a joking matter,” he says matter-of-factly. “I have a lot of enemies, zoí mou.” He fondles a strand of hair that’s fallen out of my ponytail. “Men who would do anything to get their hands on what’s mine.” His fingers travel down the side of my neck, and my body goes limp at his touch. “To use you as a bargaining chip. To torture you for the things I’ve done to them.”