A monster wouldn’t be a true monster if he didn’t hungrily sink his teeth into the offering he’s been given by the lesser mortals. And, fuck, do I ever want to sink my teeth into her.


Sweet Talia.

You’ll learn to like it rough.

Proserpina sure did.


This has got to be a goddamn dream…no, a nightmare. This can’t be real. There’s no way anything that was said during that bullshit breakfast can possibly hold any merit. We no longer live in the eighteenth century, for crying out loud! One cannot simply tell someone who she is to marry. We have rights!

A manic laugh escapes my lips as I remember my conversation with Kostas last night. Oh, the irony, that not even twelve hours ago we were debating over The Rape of Proserpina, and now here we are in a similar situation. My father giving his consent for me to marry a man who is apparently hell-bent on kidnapping me and forcing me into some underworld! I might not know everything that goes on in my father’s business, but I’ve overheard enough over the years to know the men he does business with are part of some illegal crime organization. And my father is literally handing me over to them on a silver platter! As if I’m available for the taking. And to save his own ass. It’s one thing for him to get himself into trouble, but now he’s involving me in his mess.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I consider calling Alex but stop myself. As much as I want to hear his voice and seek comfort in his words, how do I explain to him the ridiculousness of the situation I’ve found myself in? What would I even say? Hey, Alex! I have a slight problem. My father screwed over some crime boss and has handed me over as payment.

Ugh! No, there’s only one person to call. I pull Mom’s name up on my contact list, but just as I’m about to hit call, there’s a knock on my door. Without even bothering to look, I swing the door open and find Dad and Phoenix standing on the other side. My father at least has the decency to look upset. Phoenix looks pissed, which tells me he didn’t know any of this was going down.

“What do you want?” I hiss.

“Can I please come in, sunshine?” Dad begs. He takes a step forward, without waiting for me to answer, and I block the entrance.

“No, you can’t,” I tell him, clenching my fists at my sides. I am not a violent person, but right now, I’m desperately trying to keep from pummeling my father to the ground. And judging by the way Phoenix’s jaw is clenching, I bet he’d hold him down for me.

“Please, I’m so sorry,” Dad says. “If you would just let me in, I will explain.”

“What the hell is there to explain?” I seethe, my tone dropping low as venom drips from it. “You sold your own flesh and blood to pay off a debt!”

Dad’s back goes straight. “Don’t you speak to me like that. I am sorry for what’s happened, but I’m still your father. You will speak to me with respect.”

“Respect?” I yell, fury bubbling up inside of me like a volcano preparing to erupt. “Fuck you and your respect!”

Before I see it coming, Dad raises his hand and slaps me across my cheek. My face whips to the side from the sheer force behind his slap. Instinctively, my hand comes up and rubs the sore spot.

“Dad! What the hell!” Phoenix roars. He shoves our dad up against the wall and gets in his face. “You did this shit! You lied about how much you owed and how bad it was. You don’t get to demand respect, and you sure as fuck don’t get to lay a goddamn hand on her.” Phoenix cocks his fist back and punches Dad square in the jaw. Blood spurts from Dad’s lip, and he folds himself over in pain.

“I’m sorry,” he cries. “I’m sorry!” He glances up at me and wipes the blood off his chin. “Please forgive me, sunshine. You are everything to me.”


He thinks I’m everything?

Apparently so since he sold me.

Well, Dad, I hope it was worth it. I hope you can buy a new yacht or a bigger home or whatever it is you chose over your own daughter.

“I am nothing to you,” I say, my tone flat, defeated. There’s no denying his betrayal runs deep. “And you are nothing to me.”

I turn to Phoenix, not giving that man another glance. “Is there any way of me getting out of this?”

Phoenix’s eyes gloss over, and I already know my answer. He bridges the gap between us and pulls me into his arms. “I’m going to do everything I can to try to figure this out. I promise you. I won’t stop until they let you come home.”