She rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. I have better things to do with my time than sit around searching the internet for tidbits about you.”

Oh, please, please, please God, never let him see my search history!

His eyes roamed the interior of the shop. “I can see that. This place is beautiful. You’ve created something really special here, Abby.”

She stood silently, waiting for the follow up quip, for the little dig of one-upmanship.

It never came. It seemed he was sincere. A flush crept up her neck and invaded her cheeks. She spun to face the display behind her, not wanting to let him see that little glimmer of weakness.

“Well,” she said, and then had to clear her throat before she could start again. She took a deep breath. “Well, I was just about to close. How about I lock up and you can come in the back with me and taste some of my Private Reserve selections?”

A wolfish grin grew on his face, and his eyes glinted. Her ass almost hit the floor, despite her earlier Herculean efforts to stay on her feet.

“Abby,” he said, his throaty voice low and sexy, “There is nothing in this world I’d rather do right now than taste your Private Reserve.”