Damn. Jet had gotten a couple of those smirks lately. Jet took it as a good sign that he and Gavin were really finding their relationship again. Out of all his friends and family, Gavin had been the toughest nut to crack. And now even he was coming around. A Christmas miracle.

“So, I had coffee with someone from my band a few days ago,” he started. “Rome. And, as it turns out, there’s one concert that he really didn’t want to cancel. It’s a benefit show, and it’s on Christmas Eve. In Portland. I was able to get everyone VIP passes.”

“Seriously?” Mila cried. “Me too?”

“Especially you,” he said, ruffling her hair. “I have to show you that you’re not the only performer in the family, don’t I?”

“Young man, I hope you didn’t forget me,” Grandmother Valentine said. “I could do with an evening of entertainment.”

“Forget you, Gram? Impossible.”

She straightened her shoulders and gave him a small smile. “Very good, then.”

Jet pulled out the manila envelope that Harry had messengered the tickets over in. “I’m handing these over to Gavin. He can be in charge of distributing them on the night.”

“Probably a good idea,” Gavin said, which earned him punches from Donovan and Troy.

Jet sat back down next to Abby and held out a single laminated pass to her. “Except yours,” he said softly, giving her hand a squeeze. “Because you’re driving up with me. If you want to, that is.”

She smiled and gave him a kiss. “Of course I want to. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”