His rhythm slowed just slightly as the words gave him pause. “Made love.” Yes, obviously that was a common enough turn of phrase, but he couldn’t discount the fact that it had popped into his head just as he’d started thinking about ways to show her how he felt about her.

Huh. His feelings for her. Love.

Yeah, he couldn’t deny that the two concepts seemed to go together. As soon as he put them next to each other in his mind, everything in him recognized the inherent rightness of it.


Yes. It was true. He loved her. He knew it for sure.

He leaned down, only slowing his pace a little, and whispered in her ear. “I love you, Abs. I love you.”

He wanted to cringe as soon as he heard himself say it. Was there anything more cliché than blurting out the L word while you were in bed with a woman? And, fuck. What he had with Abby was the opposite of cliché.

But, even if he’d thought about that before, he honestly didn’t know if he would’ve been able to do anything differently. As soon as the “love” realization had exploded in his brain, his mouth became a ticking time bomb– and one with a very short fuse, apparently. He’d had to tell her. It hadn’t seemed real if she didn’t know.

Any regrets he’d had about timing or fears about how she might take it evaporated, though, when she grinned up at him through the sheen of sweat and happiness that covered her face. “Took you long enough,” she gasped. “I love you, too. And I realized it at least a half an hour ago. So, I win.”

He wanted to laugh but, damn, he just felt so good. His instincts took him over completely and he doubled down on thrusting into her again and again.

He looked down between their bodies as he drove his dick in and out of her, and just the sight of him thrusting into her silky wetness again and again was nearly enough to make him lose control right then.

What put him over the edge, though, was when she exploded with yet another orgasm. She cried out and arched her back, every inch of her pressed against him as she climaxed.

He couldn’t help but wonder if the fact that they’d told each other how they really felt– that they loved each other– was part of what had made her lose control at that moment.

God, he hoped so!

Her inner walls grasped his pumping dick as she came again, and came hard. He could feel every muscle in her body clenching. He could feel it with every part of his body– his hands, his mouth, and all along his muscles where they were pressed together.

But nowhere could he feel it quite so intensely as in his cock, which was being squeezed by her inner walls harder than he would’ve believed possible as the orgasm shook her to the very core– literally.

He collapsed down next to her on the bed and they lay there for a moment in silence, catching their breath and letting the sweat cool on their skin.

They loved each other, he marveled. They both felt it. They’d both said it.

It felt too good to be true. Like a surreal alternate universe, somehow. Like maybe he really had died in some drug or alcohol-related incident and this was some sort of Jacob’s Ladder scenario. Except, instead of a series of hellish nightmares he’d been thrust into a heaven beyond his wildest dreams.

When he pulled Abby to him, though, he knew that couldn’t be true. She was warm against his body, soft but solid, and she was the realest thing he’d ever felt.

He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled deeper against him. “I love you, Abs,” he whispered.

“I love you, too,” she whispered back. “But I still win.”