Well, damn. Maybe I could get used to this, she mused.

A small smile grew on her lips at the prospect. Sure, maybe in bed she could get some enjoyment from letting Jet take charge. But in life? Nah. They were always going to compete to see who’d come out ahead, and that was the way they both liked it.

She was lost in him, her thoughts wispy and melting away almost as soon as they formed, like vapor mist in the bright sunlight. She couldn’t even hold onto them long enough to tell him all the things she was thinking, about surrendering herself to him and letting him take control.

All she managed to put together was a weak, “Take me, Jet. I want you to…I need you…”

Each of the phrases trailed off before she got to the point, but apparently her tone and body language were enough for him to get the message, or enough of it.

His response was swift and sure. He leaned down and swept her right off her feet. Literally, as well as figuratively. Her eyes widened in shock at suddenly finding herself up in the air, held up by nothing but his strength.

She leaned against him, snaking her arms around his neck. She could feel the muscles of his back and neck rippling under his skin, and it sent shivers of pleasure radiating out from her belly to every inch of her body.

God, he was so masculine. Of course, she was always aware of his musky man-ness, but when they were together like this, naked and in the dark, their skin hot and pressed together– it was inescapable.

He gently laid her down on her bed and climbed in next to her. Fuck, it even seemed like the impressions he made on the mattress felt hyper-masculine! She knew it was only because every cell in her body was on high alert, so attuned to him that every action of his caused a reaction in her that was outsized by a hundred times.

She didn’t care, though. The why of it all didn’t make one bit of difference. She just wanted to enjoy the magic of it.

He spread his palm flat over her belly while looking straight into her eyes, and a lightning bolt of electricity jolted through her body, making her jump and tremble.

Was he thinking about seeing her with that baby? Was he thinking about the two of them, creating a new life that would grow inside the belly he currently had his hand pressed flat against?

Because she was. She sure as freaking hell was.

She threw her head back and closed her eyes, squeezing them as tight as she could. She had to break the power of the connection, at least a little. It was too powerful. She couldn’t take it. If she couldn’t step back and breathe, even just the tiniest bit, then she thought she’d pass out, right there in bed.

And she absolutely couldn’t allow that to happen. Him being so great in bed that he actually caused her to lose consciousness– and even before he touched her hoo ha?

Uh…yeah, no. That would be the ultimate “win” for him. And it wasn’t going to fucking happen.

But…damn. Their connection was unbelievably intense. There was no denying that.

“God, Abs. I could do this forever. Every night. For the rest of our lives. I could get used to that.”

Her eyes flew open at the words, delivered in small, strangled bursts between kisses that he planted over the bare skin of her body.

Damn, but he was making it fucking difficult not to lose herself in the idea of building a future with him!

Well, she figured with a small smirk, any fallout that came in the future was pretty much his fault. If he decided to leave her in the dust and returned to the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle later and she turned full-blown stalker– well, he would have no one to blame but himself.

She bit her lip. Joking aside, she knew that the truth of the situation was that trying to hold part of her heart aside was becoming a more and more pointless endeavor. With every whisper, every touch, every kiss he was taking all of it, and she was powerless against the pull of his magnetism.

It was love. She accepted that now. And there wasn’t much you could do with love except surrender to it.

So, as he trailed his tongue in delicious curly cues over the flat expanse of her belly, she closed her eyes and did exactly that. She surrendered to it, and to him, with every ounce of energy that she had, up until this moment, been exerting to try to hold herself back.

Her body responded to this new release. The minute she let her mind go, her muscles relaxed involuntarily. Her head burrowed more deeply into the pillow, her leg muscles loosened and her knees fell naturally apart.

Not wasting one second, Jet pushed them even wider until she was spread out before him, glistening and vulnerable.

He growled as he feasted his eyes on her. His hunger for her rolled off of him in waves, each one hitting her as if she were the sandy shore.

God, it was so sexy– she’d never felt more beautiful, or more desired, than she did at that moment with Jet on the verge of devouring her.

She tilted her hips up and thrust them forward just a little, needing to get herself as close to his mouth as she could. Her back arched, her head pressed into the pillow. She was full of pent up energy and thought she might explode if she didn’t feel his mouth on her soon.

“God, Jet. Yes, do it, I’m ready!”