“Okay, that’s it. I’m going to call Donovan.” Ella hustled out of the coffee shop, phone in hand, already furiously tapping icons to get to the screen where she could dial her fiancé.

They watched her for a moment through the oversized window that fronted the coffee shop. She stood on the sidewalk, her face the picture of concern as she talked to Jet’s brother.

Finally, Gen turned back to Abby, a twinkle in her eye. “So. Are you sure you hadn’t already heard the news about Jet?”

Abby froze, ice water running through her veins, tingles skittering over her skin. She did her level best to keep her face neutral and tone even. “What do you mean?”

Gen shrugged. “I don’t know. I just always thought that you two had… a vibe. A connection.”

Abby screwed up her face. She made a point to keep it kind of subtle, though. She didn’t want to fall prey to protests-too-much-itis. That disease had been the killer of many a lie, and she wouldn’t let it take hers down. “If by connection you mean competition, and if by vibe you mean constant bickering, then yeah. Connection and vibe. That was us.”

Gen chuckled. “Yeah. That actuallywas what I meant. Trust me. All that arguing was masking mega sexual tension.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Crazy like a fox. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about. You two are headed for the bone zone at some point, and it’s going to be freaking epic.”

Abby rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Whatever you say, Genevieve.”

Gen laughed. “Exactly!”

“I’m going to go get in line for coffee. Hold the table?”

“You know it.”

Abby crossed to the coffee line on shaking knees. It wasn’t that she’d had a sudden need for caffeine. She’d just needed a minute by herself to gather her thoughts.

She should be focused on the fact that Gen was on to her dirty little secret. She should be….what? Embarrassed? Nervous about who else Gen might mention it to? Anxious about what kind of gossip that nugget might blossom into?

Yes. Yes to all of that, and more.

But she wasn’t. Not yet, at least. Maybe all of that would hit her later, but for now, all her brain was capable of focusing on was replaying Gen’s words on a loop.

“You two are headed for the bone zone at some point. You two are headed for the bone zone at some point. You two are headed for the bone zone at some point.”

As much as she tried to push down and deny her feelings for Jet, even to herself, she couldn’t deny the thrill that filled her entire body at the thought of “going to the bone zone” with Jet Valentine.

Hell. She didn’t think “freaking epic” would even begin to cover it.