“I’m tired of hiding,” he continued. “Tired of showing one face to the world and another one to you, when there’s only one truth. And that truth is– I love you. And I want the world to know it.”

She opened her mouth to speak, wanting to give an impassioned speech back to Gavin that was just as heartfelt and beautiful as the one he’d just given to her. He used his words so sparingly, and he’d just spent about a year’s worth by his scale on telling her that he loved her.

And words were her jam. She should’ve been able to come up with something awesome… And yet, when she tried to say what was on her heart, all that came out was, “Yes. Oh my God. Yes.”

Apparently, even though her words were few, they were able to do the job of letting him know how she felt, because he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her roughly to him, holding her against his body in his oh so strong arms. He kissed her like the world was ending. She supposed, in a way, it was– the world where they were apart was ending, making way for a shiny new one where they were together.

He held her head to his chest and stroked her hair while she listened to his heartbeat. Finally, he said, “So, does this mean we’re official?”

She pulled her head back, looking to his serious face and laughing with pure joy. “Officially a couple? Yeah, I think it does. Officially fucking awesome? Well, yeah, we always were. And we always will be. So, in short, yes. We are, in a word, official.”

He grinned. “So, what now?”

She returned his smile, but hers had a naughty and sensual edge to it. “Now, you soap me up.”