Her head whipped up. “Are you freaking kidding me? It scared the crap out of me! I know we’ve never defined what we are or had any commitments, but you mean the goddamn world to me, Gavin. You have to know that!”

His heart was beating so fast at those words that he found it hard to hear his thoughts over it. He felt they were at a crossroads in their relationship. This was a fork-in-the-road moment. Things could move forward between them or stay stagnant where they were. And it all depended on what he said next.

Talk about pressure.

Words weren’t really his thing, but Genevieve was worth it. He’d do his best to express his heart to her. He had to.

“Gen, you make me smile when no one else can. You make me laugh when I should be pissed at the world. You—”

The speech he’d worked so hard to build up to was cut off early by the frantic press of her lips against his. That hadn’t been the way he’d expected things to go, but he wasn’t going to complain.

He pressed his lips back against hers, moving them passionately as the frenzy between them built. He felt like they were back in high school again, making out at the overlook, their whole lives ahead of them. Just having fun and not thinking about the future. Hell, they hadn’t needed to. It was spread out in front of them, wide open and full of nothing but possibilities.

That’s when it hit him– the same thing was true now. Sure, maybe there was one set of dreams that was now closed to him. But, he was holding a whole new dream right here in his arms, and she was kissing him and moaning his name.

He’d spent so much time since he’d been home focusing on what he didn’t have. It was about time he started focusing on what he did.

And he was going to start that right here and right now, with kissing and touching Gen with all of the fervor that she was kissing and touching him.