He nodded, then looked down at the table. When he raised his head, he looked solemnly into her eyes and reached across the table, grasping both of her hands in his.

He spoke, his deep voice soft around the edges. Her heart dropped to the floor at his words. “Gen, I need you to brace yourself.”

Ice water rushed through her veins, but she closed her eyes and reminded herself that this wasn’t about her. It was about Gavin. It was about supporting Gavin, and letting him know that she was here for him. This wasn’t about her feelings. It was about his.

She opened her eyes and nodded. “Okay. Whatever it is, we can deal with it together. Just tell me.”

“Okay.” He squeezed her hands. “Are you ready?”

She nodded and tried to swallow, but her mouth was suddenly dry, her throat scratchy.

“Okay,” he said. “You asked for it. Here’s the truth. I’ve been going to the VA for post-op care. I had a procedure a few weeks ago. Well, surgery, really. If you want to get specific.”

“Yes! Good freaking night, all I want is to get specific. Please, for the love of God, tell me what’s going on.”

“Well,” he said earnestly, “The truth is, I gave my left nut to have friends and family who would harass me about my private life. It worked.”

The words took a few long seconds to hit her brain, and then for her brain to process their meaning. When it did, she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

His lips twitched and she reached across the table to punch him in the upper arm. “Oh, no, fucker. Don’t you dare! This is not a laughing matter. Don’t let the fact that I’m laughing confuse you. I’m so pissed off at you, I could punch you in your goddamn throat right now.”

He shook his head. “It’s so hard to take your threats seriously when they’re delivered through giggles.”

She drew herself up, as tall and straight-backed as she could manage. “I, my friend, have never in my life– not once– giggled. I have laughed, I have guffawed. I have chuckled. I may have even burst out. But, giggled? How freaking dare you.”

His eyes softened as he watched her deliver this speech and he reached across the table, brushing her hair gently back from her face. Her eyes widened. He’d never touched her that intimately in public before.

“Come on, Gen. Let’s go. I’d already decided to fill you in, even before you called. But not here. In private. The car.”

She nodded mutely and stood to follow him out. She’d sat at the table before he’d come in, knowing that this conversation was going to change the two of them and their relationship forever. Well, the conversation wasn’t even finished, and she was still terrified about whatever it was that Gavin might say in the car. But one thing was sure– something between them had already changed, and it was forever.