Without breaking his rhythm, he leaned forward and nuzzled her neck, sucking gently on her earlobes and flicking them with his tongue. This drew a particular kind of moan from her, the one he knew meant she was about to go over the edge. He redoubled his efforts, from both above and below.

“Yes. Oh, Gavin. Yes!” Her inner walls squeezed around him, spasming in pleasure, and he let himself go. His load shot out of him, filling the condom. It wasn’t too much of a stretch to imagine that he was filling her instead, though. For some reason that idea held an appeal that it never had before.

He decided not to analyze it. It felt good to think about. He’d leave it at that.

As their orgasms wound down, Gavin collapsed on the bed next to Gen, letting his breathing slow down as he pulled her against him.

The energy between them was different somehow. It felt more relaxed, more comfortable, but, in a weird way, also more heightened and electric.

The way they acted was different, too. They were not post-bang snugglers. In fact, he searched his memory for a single time that they’d just laid in bed together when the orgasms were done. Despite that, it felt natural to do it now.

He didn’t want to ruin it by thinking about it. He’d spent a lot of time lately up in his head. Probably too much. This was something to enjoy. A gift, not a gift horse. He was just going to accept that there was something starting between him and Gen, something that maybe neither of them understood, and enjoy the fuck out of it.

Still, he couldn’t stop a little voice in the back of his head from adding, while it lasts, anyway.