He covered the distance between them in one fast stride. He was like a blind man trying to do the work of his eyes while his eager, exploring hands shaped every curve and contour.

She moaned and melted under his touch, which only drove him to further heights of frenzy. This was more than he could control, and he was beyond even wanting to. Every bit of him that he’d always held in check with her, kept at bay so as not to be too wide open and vulnerable, he let go of.

He was coming home to Valentine Bay, but he felt now that he was coming home to her as well. Regardless of what ultimately played out between the two of them he recognized how, more strongly than he ever had, that she was a big part of home to him. She was his soft place to land.

He was going to have to let go of his old life, and that was fucking brutal, but being here with Gen now showed him a glimmer of promise that there could be something good on the other side.

He swept her slender body up in his strong arms and carried her across the room, setting her down on her bed with a gentleness that spoke more about the true depth of his feelings for her than he ever could with words.

He bent and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking it up into the hot depths and swirling his tongue around and around it. The hard tip felt like a sweet pebble against his sandpaper tongue, and it felt almost like a game, trying to make the small nub as hard as he could, then moving on to the other one. He would play the same game with that one and then return to the first, repeating the process over and over.

I like this game, he thought with a small inner grin. It’s one where everybody’s a winner.

He loved the feel of her skin. It was soft and warm under his hands, which filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging. Home, which was a concept he’d been thinking a lot about. But more than that, it was like sensual silk under his touch, and caused a fire to burn in his belly that could only be quenched by touching her more, kissing her, pulling her to him and holding her against his body.

She was like a work of art, a sculpture, and he was molding her with every movement of his firm hands over her flesh.

He slid his palms up the outside of her legs, trailed his fingers over the flat expanse of her belly, and then cupped her breasts in his hands from underneath. Taking a moment to appreciate their soft heft and the heat coming off of them and radiating through his skin, he squeezed them and appreciated the moans that came from her in response to his actions.

He’d been with her so many times over the course of their lives, but her body never failed to amaze him. Every time he saw her, or touched her, it was like the first time. He knew that was a cliché. It showed up all over the place, in movies and songs and books. But, because of Gen, he knew that it was only so widely written and sung about because it was true. Maybe rare, sure. But he could tell from personal experience that it was possible.

Gen’s breathing was shallow and rapid, like she’d been running a marathon. Her nipples were deep red and hard, standing out against the pale pink skin of her naked breasts and torso.

He could barely breathe when he looked at her. She was so beautiful it was hard to even process. But when her body showed signs of powerful arousal like this, it was even closer to impossible.

His dick swelled painfully watching her chest flush, and rise up and down with her heavy panting. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep up the foreplay much longer. It was rapidly approaching the time that he was going to have to be inside her or he’d explode.

He squeezed the handfuls of her breasts in his grip, just tightly enough to make her nipples stand out even further and increase their sensitivity. He tightened the tip of his tongue to a point and flicked those sensitive tips again and again, until his hair was tangled in her fingers and his ears were filled with her moans and whimpers.

When he reached the point where he really couldn’t stand it for one moment longer, he sprang to his feet and stood next to the bed. “I have to have you, baby. I can’t wait one more second.”

She stretched her arms above her head, her eyes filled with mischief, and said, “Sounds good to me. Yeah, I can definitely deal with that.”

He made quick work of undressing and rolling on a condom. He had some more exploring to do with his hands and his mouth, but the explosive pressure in his cock as he looked at her there, laid out on her bed, told him it wasn’t going to be very long at all until he drove his dick into her. He wanted to be prepared when that moment arrived.

He climbed back onto the bed, naked now, and lowered his head to her nipples again. Even though he’d just devoted so much attention to them, it was an entirely new and more layered experience to lick and suck them while their naked bodies were pressed together down their entire length, feeling her hot and silky skin along every inch of his body.

Finally, he tore himself away from her luscious breasts and moved his mouth farther down her body. He planted kisses down the sloping, taut expanse of her belly. Her muscles rolled underneath his lips like waves. His head spun like a top when he kissed her and touched her body. There was no sensation on the ground like flying, but it was undeniable that being naked with Genevieve came the closest. No contest.

When he reached the moist, dripping vee between her legs, he pushed her knees far apart and lost himself in the sight of her spread open and glistening. She was a masterpiece, and the most amazing part of her was how she gave herself to him with no reservations or inhibitions.

That a woman as spectacular as Gen wanted him as much as she did made him feel like he just might be worth something after all, whether he could go up in the air or not.

He ran his tongue up and down her seam. Her juice was the sweetest nectar against his lips. He moaned in pleasure as the taste of her filled his mouth.

“Fuck, you’re delicious. So sweet.” The words came out barely louder than a gruff whisper, but as soon as they escaped his throat she cried out and bucked her hips, pressing herself into his hot, demanding mouth. He worked her even more frantically, taking pleasure in every movement of her hips, every grip of her fingers in his hair, every ecstatic moan that his mouth drew from her.

“Gavin, I want you inside me,” Gen whispered, and as soon as the rough and ragged sound of those words hit his ears he knew she was just as ready as he was. He tore his mouth from her pulsing heat and raised up over her.

She ran her fingernails up and down his back as he positioned himself at her opening. He had to get the angle perfect. He wasn’t planning on slipping inside her gently; he was going to take her with a forceful thrust, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

When he’d settled the tip of his dick in her opening, he pushed his pelvis forward in a swift, strong, almost violent movement. When he was buried in her entirely, he paused there for a moment. He wanted to enjoy the sensation of being inside her, totally enveloped in her intimate embrace.

The stillness was almost eerie. Their hearts pounded, blood rushed in his ears, and their breath sawed in and out like sandpaper. There were no traffic noises, no dogs barking, no neighbors calling out in the street. It was like he and Genevieve were isolated in a little bubble made just for them, like no one else existed in the world except for them, there in her bedroom, wrapped up in each other.

He pulled back and thrust into her again. Then again. And then again, and again, and again until he pounded into her with a primal rhythm that struck a chord deep inside him.

Her hips rose to meet him, answering that same deep and rhythmic call, and before long he knew he was about to explode. All he had to do was hold out and wait for her to be ready. But that wasn’t a problem. He knew how to work her body. He knew all of her secret buttons.