Chapter Eighteen

Ella smiled to herself as she walked slowly up and down the aisles of the liquor store, looking for the perfect bottle of wine to bring along as a hostess gift. She was going to Donovan’s grandmother’s house for dinner tonight. Who cared that it was mainly to be a buffer? It was still the closest she’d ever come to attending one of his family functions with him as his girl. It was a dream come true for her.

All in all, she guessed she felt just about perfectly happy.

Well…there was one small, recurring thought in the back of her head that was like a fly in the ointment.

What was going to end up happening between her and Donovan? Was this a fling or would it develop into more? Hell, did it even rise to the level of a fling, or was it just Donovan having a little fun while he was on the West Coast? Would she be able to control her feelings? Speaking of feelings, what were his about the situation? Or did he even have any?

Okay, maybe more like a few thoughts.

But, for once in her life, Ella found herself more than capable of pushing down those doubts and worries to a manageable box in the corner of her consciousness, where she stuffed them and closed the lid. Then zipped it, locked it, and threw away the key.

Hell, who cares if this is just a short-term thing? Sure, it’ll hurt when it’s over. But there’s no reward without risk. Life involves pain. Other random platitudes, yadda yadda yadda. The point is—it’s worth it. So utterly, deliciously well worth it.

She chuckled under her breath and murmured, “Ella, my dear, you are so full of shit.”

“What was that?”

Ella snapped her head up at the sound of those words and saw Abby Baxter. She laughed. She wasn’t too embarrassed to be caught thinking out loud. Abby’d been a classmate, and she knew what a free spirit Ella was.

“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself. Nothing new.”

Abby grinned. “Hey, sometimes you just need good company.”


“So what kind of wine can I help you find? Is it for a special occasion?”

It was only then that Ella noticed the smock that Abby wore. “Hey, I didn’t realize you were working here now.”

Abby grinned. “I’m not. I mean, I am. But not as an employee. I bought the place.”

Ella’s jaw dropped. In any “regular” town, this wouldn’t have been shocking. But in a place as small as Valentine Bay, where news about your fellow inhabitants spread faster than wildfires, it was unheard of for something as big as that to have gone down without absolutely everybody knowing about it.

“That’s amazing, Abs! I didn’t even know old man Weatherby was looking to sell the place. Dang. I must’ve been so completely out of the loop lately.”

Abby shook her head. “I intentionally kept it very quiet. I didn’t want news getting out ahead of time and spawning a bidding war. I’ve got big plans for this place. I want to keep the same small town liquor store feel, with all the standard bottles you’d be able to buy at any store. But I also want to expand into a destination retail location, with curated local varietals that people travel to experience. I want to schedule tastings, hold pairing classes. Even scale up an online presence.”

Ella gave her old friend an impromptu hug. “I think that’s awesome. And if you’re looking to practice your educational skills for dealing with complete wine idiots, I am going to give you a prime opportunity right now.”

Abby chuckled. “Well, what’s the bottle for? Let’s start there.”

“It’s a hostess gift for a dinner party.”

“Excellent. Do you know what’s on the menu?”

Ella shook her head. With all of the other concerns and considerations she’d spent the day obsessing about when it came to tonight, what they were going to eat at this dinner had been the very last thing on her mind.

Abby smiled and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “That’s no problem. What do you know about the hostess herself?”

Ella’s brows rose. “It’s the Grand Dame herself. Mrs. Valentine.”

Abby’s grin grew until it almost took over her face. “Oh! So, you’re going to the Donovan dinner. That’s interesting.”

“Oh, boy. So, everybody knows about this dinner?”

“Girl, where do you think you are? Why were you shocked that you didn’t know about this place?”

“Good point. But, now you can see how important it is that I make a good impression. Even though she’s known me my entire life, a lot is still riding on tonight.”

“I get it. So, what’s your budget?”

Ella laughed. “Abby, this is a significant moment. You’re witnessing what I’m sure will prove to be the one and only time in my entire life that I use the following sentence—price is no object.”

Abby’s fist shot in the air in victory. “Well, if it has to be the only time you ever say it, then—and I might be biased here—I think my shop is the perfect venue.”

Ella couldn’t help but laugh. “I agree. And I hope to be the first of many.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears. That would be amazing. But, come on. I think I have the perfect bottle for you and a gorgeous bag for you to present it in. Let’s get you checked out. The last thing you want to do when trying to make a great impression is walk in late.”