Just like that, she was fully engulfed in arousal again. It didn’t matter that she’d just been rocked by a powerful, bone crushing orgasm. All he had to do was brush his fingers over her flesh and breathe some sexy words in that desperately turned on tone of voice that he got when he looked at her body, and she was revved up and ready to go in half a second flat.

Donovan leaned down, then, and fixed his fiery mouth on her nipples. He swirled his tongue around the hard peaks, drawing them even tighter and sending sharp zings of sensation racing through her.

Her hands snapped to the back of his head and pressed him forward. She arched her back, as well, pressing herself into his mouth as hard as she could. She wanted to get lost in him, to lose herself. She didn’t think it would be that hard. After all, she didn’t have very far to go.

He pulled his fingers up and down her sides as he flicked her nipples again and again. It was magic. There was nothing better than being touched by Donovan, she decided. Nothing in the world. She thrashed her head from side to side, then balled her fists and beat them down into the mattress beside her. Her legs twitched, her torso undulated. It was like the pleasure that flooded her had nowhere to go. It had to escape, the pressure was building up and getting ready to explode if she couldn’t manage to find a release valve.

“Oh, yes…so good…” she gasped, hardly even aware of the words she breathed. Her mind was on another plane and she had no desire to yank it back down to earth. “This is amazing. God, Donovan, don’t stop…never stop!”

He was her soulmate. Even if she hadn’t known it before, the way she felt right then would’ve convinced her beyond a shadow of a doubt. What she was feeling—it went beyond the physical. Beyond the mental, even. It was communication directly between her soul and Donovan’s, and it bonded them even more than their drunken Vegas wedding of fifteen years before had done. That may have been a legal bond, but it was unintentional and, until now, never honored. This was a spiritual bond, and it was very intentional, and it would be more than honored. It would be cherished.

“Are you ready, Ella? I need to be inside you. God, I need that so much,” Donovan moaned, and she whipped her head up immediately to meet his eyes.

“Yes, I’m more than ready,” she bit out. “I want you. Take me. Now!”

Donovan scrambled up and sped to the nightstand. He grabbed up the condom he’d deposited there earlier and ripped open the package, unrolling it onto his engorged member with what seemed to her to be superhuman speed.

She grinned. She loved it when he did things like move incredibly quickly, or let his eyes flare at the sight of her body, or groan at her touch. Involuntary reactions that told her how much he was attracted to her. How much she turned him on.

In a way, it was even more special than the way he protected her and treated her like a princess. Not that she would’ve traded the two. The way Donovan cared for her and how connected they were as friends was one of the things she cherished most in life, and about their relationship, and she would never want to abandon it for the sake of sexual attraction.

But knowing he was attracted to her, and seeing the clear evidence of it written all over his body’s reactions, was a new phenomenon and she was fascinated and moved by it. She’d always known that he turned her on. That had been a given in the Donovan + Ella equation. The fact that it was reciprocated was a new and very welcome variable, and she was enjoying it to the hilt.

He crossed the room back to her and she held out her arms to him. She breathed harder even as he leaned over her, before he’d even touched her again. Just the thought that he’d soon be inside her, filling her up, was enough to send her system spiraling into overdrive.

He lifted her gently and moved her further back on the bed, placing his knees between hers and nudging them gently further apart. He positioned himself at her entrance and leaned forward, hovering over her. She could feel his breath mingling with hers, yet another thing that connected them.

He looked right into her eyes and held her gaze as he thrust into her. She felt his penetration in every part of her body, not just her core. Her lips felt it. Her knees. Her fingertips. It was different this time, knowing that he loved her. Knowing that he was staying. Knowing that they were together. Truly together. It meant more.

He drew back and then plunged into her once again and it was every bit as powerful the second time as it had been the first, and then it was just as powerful the third time as it had been the two times before, and every time after that, the intensity between them only built, never waned.

She moaned and arched her back as she felt another orgasm building. It was so soon after the first she hadn’t thought it would be possible, but it definitely was. There was no mistaking that sensation of impending climax, and she was definitely right in the thick of it.

She pushed her hands up the rippling planes of his muscles. They traveled first over his torso, then his chest. Finally, she raised her hands until one rested on each side of his face. Ah, God! That face she loved so much. That face she’d loved her whole life. Donovan’s precious, handsome face. She was in heaven.

“I’m about to come again,” she whispered, stroking his cheek with her thumb.

He grinned. “Good. So am I.”

He dropped his head down and buried it in her shoulder. The minute she felt him start to tremble and convulse, she was sent rocketing over the edge, as well. Her legs snapped up and wrapped around his waist and her arms snaked around his neck. She held him fast to her, feeling the tremors that rocked through his body as if it were just an extension of her own.

She clung to him as she rode out the climax, this one all the more powerful because of the knowledge that she was sharing it with Donovan. Hell, everything was better when she got to share it with Donovan. It only made sense that the single most awesome thing in the universe—orgasm—would be, too.

After their tremors subsided, they lay next to each other on the bed, sweat cooling on their skin as their breathing returned to normal and their heartbeats slowed down to a non-cardiac-arrest-inducing rate.

Donovan took her hand in his and squeezed it. She turned her head to look at him and saw that he was giving her the brightest, most loving smile she’d ever seen. Her heart swelled knowing that it was for her. The joy within him that the smile expressed…she’d put it there. She’d made him that happy. There was nothing in the world she wanted more than that.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, my beautiful Ella,” he whispered.

Her eyes widened, realization flooding through her. Crap! She couldn’t believe she’d really lost track of time and space to the extent that she’d forgotten what day it was, and what that meant, and why Donovan was even here, but holy cow, she sure had!

“Crappity crap crap crap!” she explained as she jumped up from the bed and ran over to her vanity.

Donovan burst out laughing. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think? No time to talk! I’ve gotta wrangle this mess of unruly curls into a bun so we can get our asses down to the high school gymnasium before the whole town thinks I freaking kidnapped the reunion’s guest of honor!”