When he saw that her shoulders and arms were pebbled with goose flesh, he knew it was time to move to the next level. He took her hand and turned her around to face him, then slowly, seductively, he tugged the rustling fabric of her ballgown down the length of her body.

With every inch that the soft, gorgeous textile traveled over her supple skin, a little bit more of her beauty was revealed. Her round, full breasts encased in a lacy bra. The taut expanse of her belly. The swell of her trim yet feminine hips, banded by a lacy thong that matched her bra. And finally, her long, gorgeous legs.

When he’d pulled the dress down so far that most of it was pooled on the floor and his hands were pressed against her shapely calves, he whispered, “Go ahead, love. Step out.”

She put her hand on his shoulder to balance herself and did as he’d instructed. He stood and laid the beautiful dress over the back of her couch, smoothing it down and then turning to her, a smile on his lips. “Good enough for you?” He asked, his voice so husky and raspy with desire that he barely even recognized the words himself.

“Yes,” she bit out. They stood that way for a moment, the tension between them building second by second, both of their chests heaving with rapid breaths. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her nearly naked flesh. She was the loveliest thing he’d ever seen.

“I want you,” he groaned. “God, I want you so bad right now.”

He didn’t know if it was his words or the desperate sound of his groans that sparked playfulness in her eyes, but she cocked her hip and put her hand on her waist, then smiled and said mischievously, “Well, you’d better take me then. Don’t you think?”

He grinned and crossed to her in two fast steps, sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her down the hallway toward her bedroom. He wanted to kiss her then. He wanted that more than almost anything he’d ever wanted in his life—but he’d made a promise.

He’d told her that he would protect her hair and makeup for the reunion, and he took protecting her damn seriously, whether that was protecting her from a threat or protecting the way she wanted to present herself to others. Not to mention, he was through breaking promises. From now on, he was going to be there. He was going to honor every commitment. That started right now.

He sat her down on the edge of her bed. He started to take a step back. He wanted to take a moment to admire every curve and flat plane of her gorgeous body there in her bedroom. Before he could move out of arms reach, though, her hand shot forward and her fingers hooked into his belt loops. She pulled him back over to her, a wicked little smile touching her perfect lips.

“Not so fast, mister,” she growled. “I’m going to have my way with you first.”

With fast, determined fingers, she undid his belt buckle and unfastened his pants, then slid both them and his boxer briefs over his bulging erection and down around his legs.

She trailed her fingertips over his balls and up and down his shaft, sending electric zaps shooting through his body that almost knocked him backwards off of his feet. God, he’d never felt anything in his life as powerful as Ella’s fingers on him—unless it was her mouth, or her body.

Ella was a force of nature beyond compare. Now that he’d fully experienced her touch, knew what it was to have that in his life, he had a hard time wrapping his head around how he’d ever lived without it. It felt good knowing that he’d never have to again.

“Fuck, yes. That feels amazing. Insane.”

She looked up to meet his eyes, that same wicked smile still on her lips. It made his cock twitch. It was such a turn on that she knew exactly how sexy she was, she knew exactly what she was doing to him. And that she liked it.

Never breaking eye contact, she extended her pink tongue out from between those wickedly smiling lips and ran it slowly around the head of his dick. The sensation that bolted through him as soon as her hot, wet tongue touched that sensitive flesh was enough to make him lightheaded. He squeezed his eyes shut and actually saw stars behind the darkness of those closed lids.

He didn’t keep his eyes shut for long, though. He forced them open because he wanted to see exactly what she was doing to him. He wanted to watch that sexy tongue circle his dick. He wanted to see exactly what it looked like when she wrapped her hot lips around his shaft and swallowed him into the pleasurable abyss of her mouth.

He put his hand to the side of her face and traced his fingertips gently along her hairline. He wanted to bury his hands in the beautiful mass of her auburn curls, close his fingers into fists and thrust himself into her. But he resisted that urge. A small smile touched his lips at the thought of how frivolous the idea seemed of keeping her hair and makeup perfectly in place, now, in this moment when erotic lust was flooding his mind and carrying him away to another dimension. But, a promise was a promise.

“My God,” he breathed. “You are, without question, the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this earth. How did I get so lucky?”

Instead of answering, she just moved her head forward, taking him deeper into her mouth. She applied gentle suction once he was entirely inside. He could feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat, feel the gentle massage it applied as she swallowed.

He threw his head back and groaned as he looked at the ceiling, drinking in sensation after sensation as her mouth worked on his cock. Being buried inside the warm velvet cushion of her mouth as her tongue swirled around and around his shaft was almost more than he could take.

Then, she took it to the next level when she pulled her head back until he was almost completely out of her mouth and then plunged it forward again. When he was buried inside her entirely for the second time, she paused and held him there, sucking in a gentle rhythm until his cock was twitching and ready to explode.

Then, oh so slowly, she pulled her head back again, and then plunged forward again, and then back again, and then forward. She repeated this same cycle over and over until his eyes crossed and his heart was beating so fast it felt like it would explode right out of his chest.

He forced his eyes to stay open and glued to her face. The sight of her beautiful features, contorted in ecstasy as she gave him such immeasurable pleasure…it was indescribable. He wanted to commit every moment of it to memory, never to be forgotten.

Not to mention the fact that her eyes were still wide open and cast upward, connecting with his in an unbroken exchange of energy that was, in its own way, the most powerful form of communication he’d ever shared with anyone.

When it finally reached the point that he knew he’d never be able to let this continue and also stay in control enough so that he didn’t climax and end the whole encounter, that was the first time that he managed to summon up the resolve to reach down and hold her shoulders firmly in place as he stepped back. He’d known that he was going to have to do it, but he kept putting off the moment until he absolutely couldn’t put it off any longer.

He thought he might be addicted to the pleasure that her mouth gave him. After all, the main hallmark of addiction was that you kept coming back for more of something—that you just couldn’t get enough of it. That was certainly true of everything about Ella. There was nothing in the world that would keep him away from her now, nothing that would hold him back from being with her, from devoting every part of his life to her. He was hers, now, unreservedly and completely.

And he was lucky enough that she was his. She felt the same way. God, really, what had he done to deserve someone so spectacular?

As quickly as he could manage, he stepped out of his pants and boxer briefs, shoes, jacket and shirt. He laid them over the chair that stood in the corner of her room in as orderly a pile as he could manage with eyes that were crossing with lust and fingers that were trembling with arousal.