She stood, then, and motioned for Ella to take her spot at the vanity. “Here. Your outfit is hot. Let’s put the finishing touches on the hair and makeup.”

Ella moved to the vanity seat, grateful for the help. She didn’t do her hair and face often enough to be able to reliably get a good result, so she was happy to have Genevieve’s expert help.

Gen worked her ceramic iron magic on Ella’s hair while Ella messed around with brushes and powders. After about twenty minutes, Ella leaned back and examined the results, moving her head from side to side to see the view from all possible angles.

Finally, after a long moment, she nodded. “Pretty good,” she said, pronouncing judgement with finality in her tone.

“Pretty good?” Genevieve exclaimed, her jaw dropping. “Pretty. Effing. Good?! Are you kidding? That right there is a damn masterpiece, Ell, and I’m torn over whether Valentine even deserves you and your fine self. Pretty good, my ass. You’re a grade A hottie.”

Ella couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Gen’s tirade. “Thanks, G. You’re good for my self-esteem.”

Gen snorted. “I just tell it like it is. Now, I’m heading out. I’m meeting up with the gang at the bar. We’re gonna pre-game before we hit the reunion. These things are always more fun when you start them off already buzzed. Plus, I’d rather not be around to have to witness the disgustingly mushy reaction I’m sure your boy toy is going to have when he lays eyes on you. Toodles!”

With that, Gen grabbed her purse and hurried out of the room. A few seconds later, Ella heard the front door slam. She shook her head to clear it. Genevieve could be like a whirlwind, sometimes, coming in and out in a blur, leaving everything that had happened while she was there a little blurry.

But there was one thing that Ella was very clear about. She thought Donovan was going to like the way she looked tonight. Love it, even.

Ella stood and walked over to the full-length mirror again, butterflies coming to life in her belly as she examined herself and imagined Donovan’s reaction, a small smile playing on her lips.

She took a deep breath. Nothing to do now but wait.