Chapter Twenty-Four

“Well, I honestly never thought I’d have to say this, but just to be perfectly clear: when I’ve said, in the past, that I don’t abide public displays of affection, that includes public fornication.”

Grandmother Valentine’s stern disapproval filled the lobby of the small police station. Hell, Donovan thought, it’d fill a stadium. The lobby’s no challenge at all.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, and then glared at Gary, who shrugged.

“I’ll be waiting for the two of you in the car. Officer Williams, I trust that you can take care of the necessary paperwork to release these two miscreants into my custody?”

Gary nodded solemnly, and Donovan watched as his gran turned and exited, Armando beside her with his hand on her elbow, as always.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Donovan turned to Gary. “Her custody, dude? What does that even mean?”

“Nothing. You just have to pay a fine. There’s no custody involved.”

“Why’d you have to call her, of all people? Why didn’t you call Troy?”

“I didn’t call anybody, Valentine. I’m telling you, there’s no recognizance, or custody, or anything like that. You literally just have to give me money and walk out the door. That’s the entire process.”

Donovan narrowed his eyes. “That sounds like a bribe.”

Gary shrugged. “You can’t fight City Hall.”

“So, if you didn’t call anybody, how did she even find out we were here and what had happened?”

Gary snorted. “She knows everything. She probably knew you two were in that pool before I did.”

Donovan sighed. “Fair enough. But why did you have to tell her you’d release us into her custody, for God’s sake?”

“Because as much of a pain in the ass as this conversation has been with you, it would’ve been ten times worse with her, and nodding seemed easier.”

Donovan shook his head and pulled his wallet out. Ella stepped up next to him as Gary swiped his credit card. “Gary, is there going to be a record of this?” she turned to Donovan. “I don’t want it to affect your security clearance.”

Gary shook his head and smirked. “Don’t worry about it from my end. I’m writing it up as a warning and a fine. No record. Now, as far as the town talking? No promises. There’s no law against gossip.”

Donovan tucked his card back in his wallet and thanked Gary, then slipped an arm around Ella as they walked out. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t thought about his security clearance the minute Gary had showed up at the pool. It literally hadn’t even entered his mind.

He’d thought about protecting Ella from embarrassment. He’d thought about the situation tarnishing the example he should be setting for his kid sister. Heck, he’d even thought about facing the disapproval of his very proper, pillar of the community grandmother. But not once, not even once, had he thought about how the situation might affect his career.

That had to mean something. Right?

He kissed the top of Ella’s head. “Are you okay?”

She turned her face to his. “Of course. I don’t care if people talk. I’m an artist, remember? I’m supposed to be a free spirit. If anything, this will only enhance my rep. You’re the one I’m worried about.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. And damn the consequences, I’d do it all over again.”

He stopped in his tracks, turned and pulled her to him, and kissed her long and hard. God, she felt so right in his arms. Like she’d been specially made to fit there. Like he could hold her there forever.

The moment was shattered when the sound of an insistent car honking filled the night air. Ella pulled back, laughing. “I believe our chariot awaits.”

Donovan put a palm to his forehead and groaned. “This is going to be a long ride home.”

Ella slipped her hand into his as they headed across the parking lot, and Donovan thought, Hmmm…maybe not so long after all.