As the first course was served, Vicki announced, “I’m so happy we’re here together tonight, Donovan. We can start talking about plans for the impromptu reunion.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m not sure how long I’ll be in town, and something like that takes a long time to put together.”

“Oh, nonsense,” Gran declared from the head of the table. “I’m sure the high school would be more than happy to make the gymnasium available. I did, after all, donate the funds for the recent upgrades. You could throw the party this weekend.”

“Exactly!” Vicki enthused, then, leaning in closer to Donovan, she said, “You realize what day that is, don’t you? It’s Valentine’s Day.” She bit her lip seductively. “That’s so perfect. On so many levels.”

Donavan’s face tightened and he looked straight ahead to avoid looking at Vicki and possibly giving her unintentional encouragement. Not that she seemed to need any. “That’s nowhere near enough time to contact people from our class.”

“Again, nonsense,” his grandmother said with conviction. “You can send them an announcement on the computer mail. That should arrive almost instantaneously, if I understood Armando’s somewhat halting explanation. And why limit it to only your class? Just call it an alumni gathering and invite everyone.”

Vicki leaned in close to him and trailed her fingertip along his shoulder. He saw Ella’s jaw tighten, and his skin crawled. All he wanted was to be alone with her. He was about two seconds from just standing up and marching out the front door, taking Ella with him.

Vicki leaned in. “We should get together and have a planning session,” she said, her voice low and sultry.

“Perfect idea!” Troy put in. “Ella, don’t you have building keys from the summer art class you taught there? Why don’t you contact Gen. And, let’s see? Besides us, and Gen, who else is still in town?”

Donovan was about to protest his brother getting involved, but then he saw Ella smile, and he stopped. Ella smiling was all he cared about, he wasn’t about to pipe up and ruin it.

“Sounds good,” she said. “You know, Abby bought the liquor store. She has plans to turn it into a quality wine destination. I’ll see if she wants to join the planning committee. And maybe contribute some liquid refreshment.”

“Then it’s settled,” his grandmother stated with finality. “Donovan, you’ll stay through the weekend. At least.”

He didn’t even think of arguing. His grandmother was the most formidable person he’d ever met, and that was saying something, considering his boss was the President of the United States. If she said he was staying for the weekend, then he was staying for the weekend.

“Well, I guess we just formed ourselves a planning committee.”