“I’m not quite sure how to answer that,” she whispered, and the combination of her soft, tentative voice and flushed skin was so damn enticing that he had to physically strain to keep his hands at his side.

He gave her a devil may care smirk, working hard to show how blasé he was. How little he was being affected by the situation, even if the truth was the exact opposite. “With the truth.”

She laughed and looked down at her fingers in her lap, which she had self-consciously tangled together. Without looking back up to meet his eyes, she explained, “No. I mean… The reason why I don’t know how to answer the question is because the best sex I ever had wasn’t actual sex.”

“I’m gonna need a little more than that,” he growled.

She grabbed her mug of alcoholic cocoa up from the coffee table and downed it all in one desperate gulp. Fortified with that warm liquid courage, she raised her head and gazed directly into his eyes and said, “It was a dream. It was a dream I had about me and you.”

Her words hit him like a freight train. He couldn’t wrap his mind around them. Not only did she have a sex dream about him, but it was the best sex she ever had?


“Oh, yeah. I’m gonna need details. Lots and lots of details.”

Her hands trembled, and it seemed that her entire body was engulfed in one giant blush, but her voice was clear and even when she said, “It was the night of our so-called wedding, actually, which is ironic, if you think about it, since that little event is actually the reason you’re sitting here right now.

“I don’t know how to put into words why it was so hot, why it moved me so much. Rocked me to my core really. But it did.”

His throat was so tight with arousal that choking out the words was almost too much, but he did it. “Tell me what happened.”

She drew in a shaky breath. “It’s really just series of flashes. All I know is that we’re in a smallish room. No bed or anything and I’m…um…pressed up against the wall…”

“Facing away from me while I take you from behind,” he finished for her. “Your clothes are still on, bunched up around your hips.”

Her eyes were round saucers. “How did you…how could you possibly know that?”

“Because I had that same dream, on the same night. And it’s always been the best I’ve ever had, too, even though it was only a dream. Except now I’m thinking…it probably wasn’t.”