Chapter Eleven

“Oh. My. God! Donovan Valentine, I can’t believe it!”

Ella’s neck stiffened when she heard that shrieking voice. She couldn’t help it. Since high school, Vicki Blair had gotten on her nerves just on principle alone. Everything that the preppy blonde popular Barbie-clone represented was something Ella hated. Vicki valued appearances. Ella thought what was on the inside counted most. Vicki liked power, Ella valued intimacy. Vicki cared about popularity, Ella felt authenticity with true friends was what mattered.

In short, as an artist, Ella valued truth and Vicki represented façades. That was always going to be a nearly impossible gap to bridge.

But when that hoochie mama had started throwing herself at Donovan at every opportunity? Oh, no. Then it was over. As far as Ella was concerned, they were arch enemies.

Rage already burning in her gut at what she knew she was going to see, Ella forced herself to turn her gaze away from the outfield and toward the gate where Donovan was apparently entering the field.

Yep. Her prediction had been correct. Well, calling it a “prediction” was giving herself far too much credit. She’d seen the scene play out so often that it was really just a replay of many past instances. Donovan entered, and Vicki threw her arms around his neck and clung to him like a jellyfish.

Ella took a deep breath, trying to quell the creeping nausea that sprang up in her belly at the sight.

Gen appeared at her side and slung her arm casually over Ella’s shoulders. “Hey, babe. Can I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, if you think it would be useful.”

“Maybe put the bat down before you go say hi.”

Ella turned and grinned at her friend. “Oh, hey, look at that. It was useful.”

Gen nudged her. “I have my moments.”

Ella straightened her shoulders. “I should go over and say hello.”

“You should.”

“I have to be the bigger person.”

“You do.”

“I can’t let her know how much she gets to me.”

“You can’t.”

Ella stood rooted to the spot. After a few moments, she said, “And yet I’m still standing here.”


“Just watching.”


“Why do you think that is?”

Gen shrugged. “No way to know. It’s certainly not because of any feelings you might have for Donovan.”


“It’s just because you hate Vicki.”

“Rightfully so.”

“Indisputably. But still. Not because of feelings. Feelings don’t come into play at all here. Just to be clear.”
