Page 11 of All He Desires

“Yep.” Becca nodded again. “Nate and Brian had a few classes together freshmen and sophomore year and have always gotten along. And since they both moved back they’ve reconnected.” Becca lowered her voice and scooted forward, leaning towards Eliza, who was still in shock. “Plus, it makes sense for Nate and Bailey to walk together because they’re kind of a thing.”

A thing?

Inside, Eliza deflated. Outside, she sunk into her chair.

Becca continued, not noticing. “And rounding things out are my niece and nephews who are the flower girl and junior ushers. And two ladies that we have gotten to know, they are Jessie’s landlords, they’re going to be our guest book attendants, which should be pure entertainment. Margie and Mable, or the M&M sisters as they call themselves. They are two of the most…um…colorful women I’ve ever met.”

She knew that her mind should be on the things that her friend was telling her but all she could think about was Nate dating a woman that sounded like she was Mother Teresa, Gloria Steinem, Princess Diana, Marie Curie and Amy Schumer all rolled into one.

How could she compete with that? Not that she wanted to. She was single and planned to stay that way and Nate had no interest in her, but still!

Eliza was distracted when one of the most attractive women that she’d ever seen in real life approached the table and leaned down to give Becca a one arm hug before taking the seat to Becca’s left and Eliza’s right. “I’m so sorry I’m late. My surgery ran long.” When her eyes met Eliza’s she stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Bailey Rossum. You must be Eliza, I’ve heard so much about you.”

Eliza reached out her hand numbly. On top of everything else, of course Bailey was supermodel beautiful. And she was dating Nate.

She wanted to throw up.

Pasting on a smile she didn’t feel, Eliza shook Superwoman’s hand, which happened to be as soft as a baby’s butt. “So nice to meet you.”

Perhaps sensing Eliza’s awkwardness, Becca jumped in with, “Eliza used to date Neil.”

“Really?” That information appeared to puzzle Superwoman. “I would’ve pegged you as going for Nate.”

That was an odd statement from a woman that was dating said man. For a split second she thought Neil might’ve told Nate about the night at Whisper Lake and Nate had told Bailey. But the observation wasn’t made with any cattiness, actually quite the opposite. It sounded truly sincere.

“It was a long time ago. In high school,” Eliza clarified.

“Oh, that makes more sense.” Bailey concluded. “Oh speaking of Nate…”

She pulled out her phone and started typing.

Oh dear lord. Was she texting him to come down here? Eliza didn’t know if she could handle two Nate sightings in one day, much less watch him with Superwoman.

Bailey returned her phone to her pocket. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be rude but I totally forgot to let him know that I’m not working the night of the fundraiser so it’s a date.”

“Fundraiser?” Eliza heard herself say.

Becca filled her in. “You remember, the spring fundraiser the Country Club holds every year? It’s this Friday.”

“Oh right.” She’d grown up in Harper’s Crossing but only attended the event three times, all when she was dating Neil. Her parents had never had the disposable income for the ridiculously high plate prices.

“What’s the theme?” Each year they chose a theme. The first year she’d attended had been “Under the Sea.” The entire place had been lighted with different blues to create the feeling of being in water and the entire ceiling was covered in twinkle lights. There were large aquariums displayed. The second year the theme had been “The Roaring Twenties,” she’d worn a flapper costume and the ballroom had been transformed into a speakeasy. The last year she’d gone had been “Around the World,” there’d been dishes from every culture you could name and all of the women and men wore traditional dress from their ancestors’ homeland. Since she was Irish she’d worn an Irish Dancing dress.

“This year it’s a Masquerade Ball.” Becca wagged her eyebrows up and down. “It’s very Fifty Shades of Grey.”

“Are you going?” Eliza knew that local businesses were expected to buy tables and Brian had recently taken over his parents’ auto body shop.

Becca smiled as she confirmed, “I am.”

“What are you wearing?” Bailey asked Becca and the two women started talking about masks and gowns, and Fifty Shades, which Eliza had read. Twice.

Eliza sat back and watched the two women interacting and tried to keep up with the conversation, just in case she needed to jump into the verbal Double Dutch at any point. She was hearing the words they were saying but none of it was actually making it to her brain. That organ was too busy with thoughts of Nate. Of Nate being in the wedding and walking down the aisle with Bailey. Of Nate going to the Masquerade Ball with Bailey. Basically her mind was stuck like a broken record on the Nate and Bailey song.

Yeah, she definitely wanted to throw up.