Page 65 of All He Desires

Chapter 25

“How much longer?” Eliza bounced in the passenger seat as she lifted her hand and touched the blindfold that he’d put on her before they left the office.

He smiled as he watched her fidgeting, unable to sit still from excitement.

“Not much longer.”

“Arf!” Farmer, who was sitting in the bench seat behind them put his head on the backrest and made his presence known.

Nate was pretty sure that he could sense Eliza’s excitement because he seemed more lively than normal. Reaching up, Nate petted his head. “We’re almost there, boy.”

They could have been at their destination twenty minutes ago, but he’d been driving them around aimlessly so she would have no idea where they were going. After Eliza had asked about her surprise he’d said he wasn’t going to tell her, but he would show her. He’d thought that they might bask in the post-coital glow, maybe even go for round two before that happened, but as always, he hadn’t predicted Eliza’s response. She’d jumped off his lap, squealing as she got dressed like she was Wonder Woman in a phone booth, and said she wanted to go right now.

Nate saw no point in arguing, since it had already been established that he would do anything for the woman standing beside him. So, he’d disposed of the condom and got dressed. They’d made a quick stop by the dental office to get Farmer and then the trio jumped in his truck. Before leaving, he’d taken out the handkerchief—bandana type—he always kept in his pocket, rolled it up, wrapped it around Eliza’s head making sure she couldn’t see, and tied it in a double knot.

“I’ve always hated surprises, but I can’t wait for this one!” She clapped her hands together, giddiness radiating off of her.

He pulled the car to a stop and had to reach over and cover her arms that rose to tug off the blindfold. “Not yet. I’ll take it off you when it’s time.”

“Okay, okay, okay.” She smiled and she bit her lip.

“No peeking.” He instructed forcefully as he got out of the truck.

He kept an eye on her as he walked around the front and was happy that he made it to the passenger side door before the temptation to try to sneak a peek got the better of her. When he opened the door, Farmer, who had jumped to the front seat as soon as Nate stepped out of the truck, leapt over Eliza and onto the sidewalk beside Nate.

“Sit,” Nate commanded as he lifted Eliza out of the truck and set her down on the cement.

“I was sitting,” she said defensively.

“Not you,” he chuckled. “Farmer.”

“Oh.” She nodded as she lifted her arms up to Nate and patted his chest and arms, trying to get her bearings. “That makes more sense.”

Farmer really was in tune with her energy, because sensing her uncertainty, he plastered his head against her leg, letting her know he was there. Nate didn’t know if there was a Dog of the Year Award, but if there was he was going to nominate Farmer.

Eliza reached down and ran her hand over Farmer’s head. “Hey, handsome boy. Do you see our surprise?”

Nate looked up. It was dark, which put a damper on how he’d pictured the big reveal. This wasn’t how he’d wanted the surprise to be, but he was starting to learn that he couldn’t control everything, no matter how much he wished he could. So he decided to move the big reveal to a different location.

“There’s steps, do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?”

She held up her arms and beamed as she said, “Carry me, please.”

He smiled as he scooped her into his arms, the way a groom carries his bride. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head against his shoulder. Having her in his arms, like this, felt so right his chest ached.

Instead of letting himself give into the tidal wave of emotions that were crashing over him, he focused on the task at hand. He quickly made his way up the walkway, taking the steps two at a time, Farmer following right beside them.

As soon as he got the door open he set her down and said, “Don’t move.”

His body responded to the phrase he’d used an hour before when she was naked and sprawled out on his desk and his jeans grew uncomfortably tight. He had a feeling that was going to be a running problem now.

He started working to get everything as close as he could to how he’d wanted her to see it three days earlier. The flowers were a little wilted, but he moved them around and hid the more pathetic looking ones. Grabbing the banner that was going to be outside he instead placed it on the mantle. He didn’t have a lighter for the candles, but he switched on the light.

At the illumination, Eliza reached for the blindfold.

He was across the room and by her side, grabbing her wrist before she touched it. “I said, don’t move.”

She smiled, but this time it wasn’t the giddy grin she’d had before. This was a seductive smile. Her breath was shaky as a flush rose up her chest. “Have I told you I like it when you’re bossy?”