Tonight she was going to be interviewing Amber and Jamie, two of Krista’s cousins-in-law, and she was thinking she might ask them if they knew any nice guys. Going on a date or two after she announced next week that she and Derek weren’t together might be a good idea since this thing with Dax wasn’t happening.

She’d already had a chance to talk to all three of Krista’s sisters and their significant others and the one thing she’d learned is when it’s right, it’s right. Both parties knew that the person they were with was the one. It was a two-way street. She was definitely traveling down a one-way street. It was time she moved on and let go of the fantasy that she’d created in her mind.

The back door opened as they got close and in a heartbeat, Dax was in front of her. His arm surrounding her holding her against his back.

“Hello!” Ginny heard the voice that she recognized as Betty.

Dax moved to the side and Ginny shook the woman’s hand. As they walked in the older woman leaned over and said, “You are a lucky girl. Dax is one of the good ones and I see how he’s looking at you.”

“I’m sorry?” Ginny wasn’t sure that she’d heard her right, or what Betty had meant if she had.

The woman lifted her penciled eyebrows and her eyes indicated behind them at Dax.

“Oh we’re not…he’s just…” Ginny wasn’t sure what to say so instead of trying to fumble through it she went with. “I know. I am lucky. He’s very good at his job.”

That’s all it was. All she was. His job.