Chapter 26

Stephanie tugged at the neckline of the off the shoulder, knee length, bodycon dress she’d just squeezed into.

“Come on, you’re taking forever. I want to see it,” her sister whined from the other side of the bathroom door.

“Hold on,” Stephanie continued adjusting the material so that it covered more of her cleavage.

She would normally not be caught dead in something as form fitting and revealing as this, but it was a gift. A birthday gift from Simone. She’d shown up an hour ago with balloons and gifts. Besides a Keurig machine and a month’s supply of coffee pods, her sister had bought her a new dress and shoes. She’d also insisted that Stephanie put them on because Simone was taking her to dinner.

Even though going out was the last thing she wanted to do after the week she’d had, she agreed. For one thing, it was her birthday. And her sister was making an effort. A real effort. The past week, Simone had gone with Stephanie to Brookside not once, but twice. She’d even gone to the hearing with her and given their mother the cold shoulder. Not even her mother’s tears when she lost had affected Simone. And now she wanted to take her out for her birthday in the dress and shoes that she’d bought her.

Besides, what was the alternative? Moping around the house because she missed Ace. She’d done that. In fact every moment she had alone, any quiet time she had, he was all she thought about. She wasn’t sure if he was keeping himself scarce on purpose or if he’d left on another assignment, but she hadn’t seen him since the morning he took her to Mason’s.

She’d almost called or texted him a thousand times but something kept holding her back. She knew what he’d done was nothing like what Mason had. Ace had made sure Scott could stay in an amazing facility, not dropped him off in a state run home. But for some reason it was hitting her emotionally the same way. Maybe it was because they’d both gone behind her back. It wasn’t logical, but that’s where she was at.

Not that it stopped her heart from jumping every time she’d even thought she’d heard her phone today, hoping that it was Ace. That he was calling her to wish her a happy birthday. To see how she was doing. To tell her he missed her.

But, he hadn’t called.

Because you told him you wanted time, her annoying inner voice pointed out.

“Come on! I’m dying out here! And we gotta go. We have reservations.”

“Okay, give me a break.” Stephanie opened the door. “I’m not a quick change artist. I’m not Wonder Woman.”

“You look beautiful.” Simone’s voice cracked with emotion. “And yes you are. You are Wonder Woman.”

Stephanie felt herself tearing up. This new and improved version of her sister was going to take some getting used to. She sniffed, “You’re going to make me mess up my make-up.”

Simone blew on her face, like Stephanie used to when they were kids to “dry” the twins’ tears, Stephanie laughed and ducked.

“Okay, let’s go!” She dragged her out of the house and when they got to the car she put out her hand. “Give me the keys. I’m driving.”

She handed Simone the keys and they drove down to the Riverwalk singing and laughing. Honestly, if the night was over now, this would be the best birthday she’d ever had.

When they pulled up to The Plate she wished the night had ended.

“Simone, I don’t know if—”

Her sister waved off her objection. “This has always been your favorite restaurant. I made a reservation, and Ace isn’t even here.” Without waiting for Stephanie’s response, Simone got out of the car.

“How do you know that?” Stephanie followed behind her sister.

“I just do,” she maintained before opening the large wooden door to the restaurant.

Stephanie wasn’t sure if she hoped her sister was right or not. She wanted to see him, she just didn’t know what to say. If he happened to be here that might be the best birthday present she’d ever gotten.

As she walked in she was hoping that for once, her sister didn’t actually have the scoop. That Ace was there and it had somehow escaped the gossip grapevine news that her sister subscribed to.

When she stepped into the waiting area, her chest tightened as she held her breath in anticipation. Her sister checked them in with the hostess who smiled and immediately asked them to follow her.

Wow. Her sister really had made a reservation. As they walked down a hall to what she assumed was the new dining area, she couldn’t help but be impressed. She knew that’s what Simone had said, but she still hadn’t totally believed it.

“Surprise!” A large group of people shouted as they rounded the corner to a banquet room.

Stephanie jumped and let out a little scream. She looked back and forth between the hostess and her sister thinking they must’ve accidently gone into the wrong room. But when her sister lifted her hands like a Price Is Right model displaying a showcase, Stephanie looked at the crowd again and realized that it was all people she knew and the room was decorated with Happy Birthday balloons, a banner and flowers.

The room was packed with people from the hospital. From school. Even from Brookside. She saw Nora standing next to Scott. Her brother was there!