
“Yes.” And he’d do it again.

“Damn, that’s…I can’t believe you did that.”

He couldn’t read Simone’s expression, but if she expected him to apologize she was about to be disappointed.

“That’s…” She slowly shook her head back and forth. “Hot.”

Okay, that’s not where he’d thought she was going to land.

Her expression softened. She no longer looked like she wanted string him up by his balls. “You’re serious about her.”

It wasn’t a question, but he still confirmed her statement. “Yes, I am.”

He’d never been more serious, more committed to anything else in his life. The only thing that even came close was the Corps and even that was a distant runner up.

“Have you told her that?”

Since he’d gotten home, things hadn’t exactly gone as he’d planned before he left. He still hadn’t even been able to take her to dinner. “No. But I’m going to.”

“Good.” She leaned back in her chair and her shoulders relaxed. “I never liked Mason. I mean I liked him but only because he bought me things, but I never liked how he treated Stephanie. He didn’t care what she wanted, he just bossed her around and never listened to her. She deserves better. She deserves someone who loves her, who listens to her.” Tears started filling her eyes. “Do you know how much she’s sacrificed for us? Do you have any idea what she gave up so that my brother and I wouldn’t get taken away after my mom bounced?”

He had an idea, but he knew it didn’t even scratch the surface of what Stephanie had been through.

“All she’s ever wanted was the best for us. For us to be happy. And that’s all I want for her. The best. For her to be happy. So if you can’t be that for her, if you aren’t going to make her happy, then man up and walk away now. Don’t waste her time like Mason did.”

“I won’t,” he promised.

Simone turned her head and looked out the window as she bit the side of her lip. “I used to be so mad at her. I thought if she didn’t do everything she did—if she didn’t do our laundry, make our dinners, do my hair, take Scott to the doctor—that my mom would have to step up and take care of us. I blamed her for being the only one that loved us, because I wanted my mom to. But the truth is I don’t know where Scott and I would be without her. Everything good in our lives is because of her.”

“Have you told her that?” Ace repeated the question she’d asked him. He had a feeling Stephanie had no clue her sister felt this way.

Simone smiled and shook her head as she wiped the tear that had fallen down her cheek. “No, smartass. But I’m going to.”

A beep sounded and she jumped up out of the chair. “Laundry’s done. I’m taking off.”

Ace was feeling tired and started to close his eyes again, but sensed her looking at him.

He opened his heavy lids to find her standing in the doorway. With a decisive nod she said, “Good talk. I’m glad you’re not an asshole.”

“Thanks,” he grinned as she left.

It wasn’t the most ringing endorsement, but from Simone, he would take it.