Page 107 of Panty Dropper



My eyes opened and before I even checked my Apple watch I knew what time it was. Careful not to disturb Billy, whose arm was draped over me, I turned my head and was not surprised at all to see the time displayed on the clock radio that sat on the nightstand. It read 5:12.

I sighed, wishing that my body’s internal alarm clock would take a day off. I didn’t have to be awake for another hour. Normally, I’d get up, take a shower and start my day. But it felt so nice lying beside Billy I couldn’t bring myself to leave the warmth of his arms.

Since falling back to sleep wasn’t an option for me, I stared up at the ceiling and tried to wrap my mind around what had taken place just a couple of hours ago. Something had changed between Billy and me, but I wasn’t sure I knew exactly what. I’d been so sure in the moment, but now doubts were starting to creep in.

He’d said he wanted all of me. Did that mean that we were a couple?

From what Nadia had said about him, not to mention his general reputation around town, he wasn’t really the settling down type. How could he want anything more than just something casual?

He said that I was special. He said that he wanted more. That he wanted me. All of me.

Why would he say that? How would that benefit him?

It couldn’t have been because he wanted to get me into bed. If anything, he’d been the one putting conditions on that only happening if I agreed to his terms.

“Do you always think this hard first thing in the morning?” Billy’s gravelly morning voice sent a shiver from my head to my toes.

“What?” I didn’t know why I asked that. I’d heard exactly what he’d said, but for some reason I felt like I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

I looked over at him and my heart jumped into my throat. His deep brown eyes were locked on me, his five o’clock shadow was extra shadowy, his thick hair was sexily tousled. He was beautiful. There was truly no other word to describe him.

“I can see the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours,” he stated sleepily.

“Oh, yeah.” And just like that we were back to two syllable responses. Just when I thought I might be building up some sort of immunity to Billy’s charms, he grinned or spoke and I was right back to being a blushing, giggling schoolgirl.

“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked as his arm tightened around my waist.

“I, um, never sleep.” Wait. That didn’t make sense.

“I mean…I’m always awake now.” Nope. Still not there.

Okay, let’s try this one more time, and this time hopefully I’ll be able to communicate a coherent thought!

“I wake up every morning at the same time.”

His brow creased. “I didn’t hear an alarm.”

“No. No alarm. At least not an external one. I have an internal one that it wakes me up every morning at five twelve.”

“You wake up every morning at five fifteen?”

“No. Not five fifteen, not five fourteen, or five thirteen, or five eleven. Five twelve. It doesn’t matter if I’ve only been asleep for one hour or eight, that’s what time I wake up.”

“Have you always woken up at five twelve?”

“No. I think it started around the time I left for college. I know it sounds crazy. I can’t explain it, but it happens. Every day. Without fail.”

“Okay, good to know. What else ya got?”

“What do you mean?”

“What else should I know? As your boyfriend, that is.”

“My boyfriend.” My stomach did somersaults hearing him use that term.