Page 88 of Panty Dropper



As we walked up the steps of a large farmhouse style home, I did my best to push down the guilt I felt about not telling Billy that Cheyenne had asked me to investigate the possibility of a trust. I reminded myself again and again that it wasn’t my place to say anything. Besides attorney client privilege, this was a family matter. And considering the circumstances, I didn’t want to do anything to upset the delicate nature of Cheyenne reconnecting with her brothers.

I was so distracted that I hadn’t noticed that Billy had kneeled down in front of the door.

“What are you doing?” I asked from behind him.

“Hank’s out of town this weekend,” Billy answered casually, as if that explained why he was picking the lock.

“William S. Comfort, that did not answer my question.”

He glanced over his shoulder wearing a smile that almost made me forget he was breaking the law. “You’re sexy when you use my full name.”

It wasn’t his full name, but only his middle initial had been on any of the documentation that had come across my desk. He grinned at me and the dimple on his left cheek had me flushing. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t let Billy and his Panty Dropper charms talk me into committing a felony. “If we don’t have Hank’s permission to enter the premises, then this is breaking and entering.”

He turned the knob and the door opened. “No breaking involved, darlin’.”

“Well, unlawful entry, then. Which is still illegal. And in case you forgot, I’m a lawyer, so you can imagine how well committing a crime sits with me.” I’d never broken the law in my life.

“Really? I thought that’s what lawyers did. Bend the law to suit ’em. Lawyers are some of the biggest crooks I know.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but shut it when I realized he had a point. My chosen profession was filled with law-benders. I didn’t take offense, though, because I was sure that his comment had more to do with Abernathy than it did with me.

He moved behind me and slid an arm around my waist. The second he did, I could feel my resolve melting. I was in trouble. It wasn’t even his charm that was doing the trick. Just his touch. He whispered against my neck, “Reagan, do you know what the one thing you don’t have to ever do with me is?”

I leaned back into the hard rod pressing against my backside. “Wonder if the snake in your pocket is happy to see me?”

He chuckled and I felt it rumble in his chest against my back. “I was gonna say worry. But yeah, that too.”

I sighed and opened my eyes, shifting so that I could look at him. “Let me just ask you one final question, then. And please be honest.”

“Always.” The sincerity in his deep brown stare took my breath away. I could usually tell when people were just saying what I wanted to hear, or what they thought I wanted to hear, and that wasn’t what Billy was doing.

“Are you sure Hank is out of town this weekend?” The last thing I needed was the cops being called and me being involved in a domestic. Not that I thought Hank would press charges, but technically, he could.

“Yes, honey. I am one hundred percent sure of that. He always goes out of town the first weekend of spring break. He’s not real social, in case ya hadn’t noticed.”

I chewed on my bottom lip. Those journals might hold the answers to the trust that Cheyenne had asked me to look into. “Fine. Let’s go.”

We stepped through the front door and I looked around the place, taking it all in. I studied every photo, every book, every piece of furniture. This was where Billy had spent his childhood. This was where all the most important moments of his childhood had occurred. All of the triumphs and defeats. All of the joy. And all of the heartache, too.

I ran my fingertips lightly along a shelf. “Does the place look pretty much like when you were living here as a kid, or has Hank made a lot of changes?”

He barked out a short laugh. “Hank? Decor changes? Those two concepts don’t exactly go together. Nah. This ol’ place looks exactly like it always has.”

“Interesting. Even the bedrooms?”

He lifted an eyebrow. His voice was immediately low and sultry. “What did you have in mind?”

I blushed and gave him a playful smack on his upper arm. “Get your mind out of the gutter! I just wanted to see if I could look at your old bedroom.”

“Darlin’, that’s what I was talking about, too! Except replace ‘look at’ with ‘get a blowjob in.’ But we were basically on the same page.”

I laughed, hoping to cover up the true reason a blush rose on my cheeks as a very vivid picture of me on my knees in front of him popped up in my head. “Yeah. It’s almost like we share a brain.”

He started up the stairs. “Anyway. Bring your dirty mind on up here. We don’t have time for your naughty antics. Maybe another time. We’ve got work to do. Let’s keep it focused.”